Quickplay suspension

The suspension mechanics are terribly designed. I got suspended for leaving just one quick play game. Well done, Blizzard. You’ve made the game less fun for casual players.


EDIT: Penalties were updated as Alex mentioned. Official thread posted below.


Thats too soon, you know how many qp dps have their mercy duo literally JUST heal them in qp? I play tank I dont have to put up with that because I can instaqueue, make it 30 games out of your last 200 because thats how bad qp is.

No you didn’t.

You get 3 warnings first, and on the fourth you get suspended.


TBH They should only heavily enforce the Leavers bit when it is the following:

  • Last 60 seconds of a match.
  • Overtime

With a 10-15 minute time out.

The amount of problems with matches the rest of the time. There are days when almost all matches go really good, and there are other days where their match-making team is creating very poor matches and its almost every other game that has someone causing an issue.

Blizzard claims its our fault for not putting up with the poor job they did. So we just hear the words “go play another game if you dont like how bad we did”.

BHVR does the same thing. and honestly they just need to turn over the game to someone else if they have that type of attitude. its called “get out of the business”.

If they want people to buy SKINS to support their paychecks. They need to reciprocate the same respect for us as a community.

We will buy your skins as long as they are “reasonably priced” and you treat us with respect, we will do the same.

Im willing to buy merch from Licensed vendors again. But thats only if they start treating us like humans again.

Oh and where is my GIANT Pachamari in the blizz store ??? :stuck_out_tongue:

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Yall really need to get better at lying.

The first leave is free then it escalates after that.

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Did they not change it where you get 1 free, then the 2-3 are 5 mins, and then 4th leave is the 15 min or something

Nooooo…I left ONE game, my first left game in many months, and it must have been a rough night because something with the game after made me want to leave and when i tried I was given a huge red banner that said somethin like “IF YOU LEAVE, WE WILL RAVAGE THE SOUL OF YOUR FIRST BORN AND EAT YOUR PUPPY!!!”

okay but really it was something like “you will be suspended if you leave this game…continue?”

That was 2 games after hundreds of games not left =/

Edit: I DID end up leaving that 2nd game and it was something so stupid like…a 2 minute suspension…

You get a warning when logging on after each time. The first time is free yes, then if memory serves me right, there’s a 5 minute suspension, then a 10, then 15, and after 10 i think it’s 24 hours, though i could remember it wrong. They’ve changed it a few times already.

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Found it

Edit: NVM it actiall is

Games Left Leaver Penalty
1 Warning only
2 2 minutes
4 10 minutes
6 2 hours
10+ 48 hours

I just located the official thread:
h t t p s : //us.forums.blizzard.com/en/overwatch/t/update-for-unranked-leaver-penalties/898963

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Yeah that’s the one.

Oh that’s the updated one yeah.

ah, that explains the 2 min suspension /shrug lol

I’ve been suspended after getting multiple disconnections from the game server mid match… I DO NOT play comp. I’m getting suspended from QP. 10 minutes at this point. Idk why I’m being punished for something I’m not doing intentionally… Some of these are matches that my team is winning! This is soo frustrating… OW is one of my few guilty pleasures and now thanks to these rules, I can’t even enjoy the few parts of it that are still fun.

actually it doesnt anymore sutpid aaron keller demanded it to be more strict you cant even leave 2 games without a leaver penalty like i got stuck with one when the garbage servers malfunctioned

As a title holder of multiple suspension. I can testify, that you were warned well in advance and asked not to do it.

Blizzard wins. You need to play the game accordingly.

The game placed you within a certain match making.

Well at least no one jumped down OP’s throat over it. :roll_eyes:

Actually it’s just 2.

Yep found the new penalties here:
h t t p s : //us.forums.blizzard.com/en/overwatch/t/update-for-unranked-leaver-penalties/898963

i hate the new system like i was penalized last night for something totally out of my control it was a problem on the server end