Quickplay MMR affects comp matchmaking?

Q: Does my competitive rank affect matchmaking?
A: We only create matches based on players’ MMR, not the visible competitive rank. A player’s visible rank will move towards their rating over time as they continue to play during a season.

Blizzard stated regarding 50 quickplay matches " In the process of unlocking Competitive, we analyze new player skill levels to optimize matchmaking in a way that feels good to everyone."

So does quickplay affect our comp MMR as well? If the game only goes off MMR, why even use SR?

This is just an assumption on my part. But What would make sense to me is it uses the QP MMR youve built to place you in your first set of comp games. Then the comp W/L record helps adjust MMR further and at an increased rate to what QP MMR did.

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The only thing we know for certain is that when season 3 starts your MMR will be by role. Realistically your MMR as DPS in comp should be the same as your DPS in QP. I have no idea if that’s what they do or not as they haven’t spoken on it.

Your MMR is by role already. It’s not MMR that changes in season 3 but how match are made. Now each player MMR in the team are added and so enemy team players. Balance now works in a way that both teams sum of players MMR should be same. While new matchmaker will work in a way that each individual player will have on enemy team player in the same role with same MMR as his. In other words each player will have a mirror on enemy team.

So if you have higher MMR in that lobby then instead of puting someone low MMR on your team they will put someone higher MMR on enemy team of the same role you are.


Nope, that is the in the dev notes for Season 3.

Do you have any quote of that?

" * For competitive play in Season 3, we’ll reduce the number of wins between competitive updates from 7 to 5 wins or 20 to 15 losses. For our matchmaker, we’re implementing role delta changes that will match similarly ranked players within each role."

Just for reference, the original team matching was by MMR average. If you look back at my posts from over 3 years ago I gave examples on how that would lead to match disparity.

Yall are sayin the same (or similar) thing

No, if you didn’t cherry pick he said MMR was already by role and I said not until next week. Thanks though.

Does this not imply MMR was already by role on the introduction of role queue?
I mean in comp they just say “SR” but theyve always said they match using MMR

Quick Play Updates
In Quick Play, the Role Queue system will allow us to determine each player’s matchmaking rating (MMR) on a per-role basis. This enables us to matchmake Quick Play games based on the MMR for each player’s chosen role. In addition to giving players more freedom to play the roles they want, we believe this will also result in games that are fairer, more appropriately matched, and ultimately more fun overall.

Competitive Play Updates

Role-specific Skill Ratings

Once Role Queue is live, players will earn separate skill ratings (SR) for each role in Competitive Play, for a total of three distinct SRs. This rating will be a number between 1 and 5000, with higher values indicating a greater skill level. Players will also be assigned a tier per role based on their rating—Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond, Master, or Grandmaster.
As player’s skill rating between roles can vary widely with Role Queue, matchmaking will be calculated using the SR of players’ selected roles. We believe this change will help players feel freer to choose different roles while also creating matches that are fairer and more fun.

I always assumed that each role had their own MMR when they introduced Role Queue

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Yes each role has always had it’s own mmr, the confusion comes because the dev’s were giving a quick and simple explanation, that is why they sometimes talk about mmr as if there is one and only one mmr (for simplicity of explination).

Someone who is gm on tank, but bronze on support is going to be put into gm tank lobbies and bronze support games. As funny as it would be if there was only one mmr for all your roles, that is not how the system works.

As for Quickplay mmr affecting competitive mmr that is not a thing, just like how your CTF mmr, or your lucioball mmr, or your open queue mmr, they are all separate. If for some weird reason the dev’s ever let one mmr affect another people would start gaming the system by throwing in quickplay to get easy games in ranked. There was even some conspiracy theories in ow1 that this was actually a thing, but people did tests and eventually the dev’s even said loosing or winning in one mode does not influence the others.

As for Quickplay on a new account, people have run tests leveling up accounts by playing custom games and leveling up accounts in quickplay and the accounts will still be placed the same, this was done in ow1 but there is no reason to believe it has changed.

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This is why im so confused as to where the “MMR isn’t per role” argument comes from

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It talks about how matches are made.
MMR and MM are 2 different things. You always even in OW1 had MMR for each role in other words you have 3 numbers (MMR).
Now when you queue as tank it’s your tank MMR that is used and when you queue as dps it’s your dps MMR that is used and changed after match.

Now the difference comes not which of your MMR is used but how it is used.

Now all those 10 people MMR are all put together without looking who is playing which role and there is 1 tank 2 dps and 2 suppoorts in one team, so now those 5 people MMR are put together.

In season 3 they will start match players within each role which means instead of puting together all players MMR they will look at role and put together MMR within role for example when they will look for tank they will take 2 tanks that has similar MMR.

But it is now and it always was that if you queue as tank then your tank MMR will be picked.

I really have no clue how to explain this more obvious, but there is no doubt that you have different MMR numbers for each role. It’s 100% and they did not talk about that at all in this blog, what they talk is how match maker will change and not how you MMR will change.


When the dev’s have talked about mmr they have talked about it in the singular, ‘your mmr’ and not ‘your mmr’s’. The dev’s just assumed people would understand, saying your mmr’s sound weird. People took this to mean there is only one mmr for all roles and all modes regardless of how stupid this would be.


Ok, you win. Since you didn’t read the article at all I’ll assume you’re gonna spam what ever. I don’t know I can make this more obvious…

“Based on community feedback, we’re implementing some updates to the matchmaker that try to place pairs of players with similar MMR on each role on either team. This means that opposing tanks should be more similarly matched than before and likewise for the other respective roles.”

From the exact same article you didn’t read. In season 3 the “matchmaker that try to place pairs of players with similar MMR on each role” meaning it was NOT using MMR by role ( look it says MMR and roles specifically ) before but will after the patch.

There had never been MMR by role but instead using a lose team metric “The goal with this change is to make the average MMR between each role more evenly matched to each other instead of looking more broadly across the entire team to balance things out.” Again look at the paragraph slowly and see it has MMR and role in it. This is the last I’ll deal with you as you as you just don’t have enough reading comprehension and want it all hand fed to you. Best of luck.

Borlay is right here. Also I think you guys kinda saying the same thing lol

In the current system you have MMR which dictates all matches.

It takes all players in the match and calculates the combined MMR
When there is a large gap in player skill, say the tank on one team. The current method is to say give that team a less skilled DPS or support to balance the higher rated Tank.

By matching MMR by role theyre correct in saying after S3, instead of balancing as a combined team average to decide if the match is balanced. It will Match each role within the skill range for the match.

For example, no more higher rated player with lower rated player on a team to compensate. It will be as close as a 1 to 1 match on skill as possible for each role on each team.

As far as QP and Comp MMR I believe once you place in competitive the numbers split and you have a QP Comp MMR that are separate from each other.

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The issue here is that no one is reading the original post and made everything out of context to my response. The other guy said overwatch is already MMR by role ( I have quoted that above ), which is untrue and I pointed it out.

Yes, I pointed out how using MMR average would skew games years ago on this very forum with numbers to show how it was being calculated and was dead on. Your example is about on par with the numbers I gave back then.

Oh yeah no I must have just misread what they said. Yeah you’re right on that this is new to OW MM. If theyre arguing it was always like that no. This is new to S3. It was always a combined skill number.

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No. You have separate MMR for QP and Comp.

Its not known exactly whats behind SR but since SR can vary in a 50%winrate situation or your MMR can change without touching your SR ; I assume SR looks more at your stats at the end of the games.

Everyone is just assuming quickplay does not affect comp (OR vice versa) but i disagree. I just tested from my alt accounts and my experience for the last few hours would say oterhwise.

Whats really strange is why do I have a silver support and a plat support on two accounts?