Quickplay Matchmaking is Trash

Comp only, but that includes open queue.

They’re making it worse. Next patch the T500 players will have hidden nameplates, hidden profiles, obfuscated titles, icons, skins, etc.

They will be completely disassociating the players from each other, so some nolife streamers can farm normies in a whitelisted lobby and we can’t actively gang up and call them out on it.

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Its quick play, what do you want from it?

Its about joining quickly and playing however you want.

yep, even if they are on the same skill level as you, having their friends on comms is a huge advantage. of course they wont fix this - gotta have super fast sloppy games slapped on the plate to keep those numbers looking good. what a disgrace.

personally anyone player that is still doing there initial 50 games before they can do comp shuld be in separate q from everyone else , im sick of players that when u see their profiles have 2 hours on a char , how is that the matchmaker working ? this happens after have had a few wins ,

true but the qp should still be even , qp is for unranked and practice , but how can anyone practice anything when you face uneven lopsided teams ,

the q times need to be longer for more evem matches , this applys to comp as well , it is a bit better , but not by much ,

ranked is only qp with less deserters. And longer match for more pain.


I think MMR can be tough in this game because there are different skill sets required to win each match. Depending on comps and maps.

This is a fairly standard game that I get when I play QP. Of course the enemy is going to go double sniper on Havana defense. Of course.


A hard truth? Perhaps there aren’t that many players in the quick play pool.

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I guess this is where I post this stuff? who knows. My opinion is the match-maker is what you make of it. Yes you will get some games that are just weird but the majority you can turn the tide in.




even the loss was a fun match over all and challenging.

nah, there are many stomps. One sided match where your team gets 15-1 stats and enemy 0-7. Sometimes it’s your team, sometimes enemy

maybe I was lucky. I had one game like that tonight and it was only because we had a tank leave and no refill for another 4min.

An environment where GMs and t500s aren’t roflstomping silvers and golds.

Just because it’s not “competitive” with a rank on the line, that doesn’t mean it should have complete trash for match making.


It happens pretty frequently, I would say every 1 in 4 games or so. It’s effect of matching plats with GMs I guess.

can i see some replays?

I’m Gm 3 currently on support, and when I queue support in qp I get put with new accounts haha.

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Here’s a replay from a game I had the other night against 3 top 500’s that was a semi-roll. T500s wearing titles were cosmic, symestry and riley.


I’m not sure if what Mugen says is completely true in the sense that it is because there is an MMR difference that causes these games to be one sided. I think characters people are comfortable on, the map, and how well the team meshes is a big thing. I do mostly (95%) agree with him if its a 15-1 to a 0-7 game.

Anyway enjoy the replay. It gets sweaty.

It’s not even matching by role. I’m like gold MAYBE plat dps and I got a game with 2 masters dps. I checked! We got full held! Game’s seriously a joke forcing losses lmao.

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Where does it ever say that?

This is what people seem to apply themselves without ever considering the actual description. It says quickly play with friends.

The intent being you can have more range between friends’ rankings for grouping up and playing.

This will skew the match maker to a certain degree.

But no where does it say “play however you want”

No where does it say “it’s for practice only”

No where does it say you an waste other people’s time.

Quick play is still a team-based PvP mode.
The only difference is you don’t have the comp tiers which limits groupings with players of different skill ranks. That’s it.

It’s what happens when you can group with your friends and console players. It also is what happens in a game that uses personal mmr in a team based game. There have been plenty of games I carried, or got carried, and that didn’t translate to the correct outcome based on my play. It actually feels so bad having an off game and still winning thanks to someone else