Quickplay matchmaker is still COMPLETE GARBO

I don’t know what is happening

i had a very good stretch of games earlier today

maybe it’s when all the kids logon at night or it’s super random



It really is lol

High plat in all 3 ranks and I’m still playing with Silvers.

So you get like really great players mixed with players who just simply don’t belong.

They don’t care. But you know, they want to tell you there is no such thing as Elo hell. Well Ow2 created it with their relaxed matchmaking.

The climb is a lot harder than before simply because of the randomness in mixed skill.


yes, it’s exhausting playing this game

when you get a good close game, it almost gives you energy

it gets your heart going when everyone is firing on all cylinders, but these games are depressing/painful/exhausting


I feel like 2 out of 10 games feels balanced while the rest are an absolute stomp from either side. The kind of games where it’s night and day that your Moira is a better Dps and Healer than your actual Damage players.

But if you say anything, it’s because they arnt getting healed. But they are, it’s just their positioning, follow up, aim, and pick are just not up to par and they don’t know it because you are a more knowledgeable and experienced player and they have no idea.

You see what’s happening on the battlefield, they just see what’s happening to themselves and have no idea where to lay the blame.


I’m pretty sure i got a silver or low gold in high diamond game.

I think our support was atleast gold while their support was silver or gold felt , so bad never closed a match so fast I was on tracer , and i would pick the mercy everyfight andt team would roll over them.

Later they swapped to moira to counter me i guess but they were like sucking my tracer and just moving in one direction as i one clipped them felt so bad.

While the funnier thing was my ana was impressed by it and was like damn good tracer.

( I laughed to myself :rofl: knowing how bad I’m).

It was like a fast match and i had 0 deaths, this never happened in ow1 even in the most one sided stomps i would die atleast once.

This feels like taking candy from a baby.


until you get them on your team

then you’re giving all that candy back haha


Every game mode has terrible matchmaking. What is even the point in playing? Honestly. Like my last QP game, my tank fed and dove all game and one of my dps died 13 times in 9 mins and had no where near the kills or damage of all the other dps. I can’t see how they made 100 million in 3 months off this game with the sad state the game is in matchmaking wise.


That does it. For every diamond, grand master, top 500 loser I see I’m reporting them for boosting / deranking. Only real explaination for this.

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well, when a game first releases it always has this massive surge of players and excitement

but slowly over the first 1-2 months, sometimes 90% of the players leave

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So is competitive. As usual, they changed nothing. At least queue times did not go up!


damnit, fooled us again

back to watching random youtube and twitch vids i guess

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I see what you did there.

But I think the point is, until you get to Masters +, most players are just mixed up in all skills and left to play Hunger Games in order to climb.

MIXED UP? IS IT MIXED UP HOW THE OTHER TEAM GETS ALL OF THOSE NO LIFE PLAYERS WHILE I GET TITLELESS NEW PLAYER TRASH FOR ONE-SIDED GAMES? This is an absolute joke that continues to not be funny anymore and somehow they made it even worse than before. It’s nothing but rigged stack games as usual. The players on my team stand absolutely no chance against them.


I’m watching rigged Netflix reality shows of matchmaking they are atleast fun than this matchmaker.

ive had mostly freaking trash the past 2 days honestly i feel like its making me want ot do sometihng stupid


i kinda wanna throw my pc out the window playing this game

i cant afford to do that especially after getting my laptop back from repairs and its not even paid off yet

yes i know, but we can dream right?

I think they are just poor souls who are being put in ranks they don’t belong, i actually feel bad for them.

Like the other day had a dps doing 4-13 while i was 26 -5 we lost but i don’t want to blame him but the matchmaker.


yeah, it’s really not the players fault

it’s terrible game design and matchmaker