Quick Play if 2-2-2 becomes a thing

I’m 100% for 2-2-2 because I want to see stuff easier balanced in this game.

I do also understand the argument of queue times though, especially for something like QP.

So what if QP was more of a menu where a player could toggle what game modes they would like to be queued up for?

Say we have these sorts of options:


  • Default for just clicking the icon
  • Defaults the player to fill when joining Standard game
  • Will backfill
  • Only joins Noncompetitive modes

Standard with role pref

  • More/Less our current QP
  • can toggle class options as we have for role queue.

Competitive with role pref

  • probably not going to work out as well, but whynot? Maybe you are someone who is indifferent to practicing some rounds of Standard before a ranked match might show up, but it would be a way slower process for actual Ranked play.
  • the only mode that has to be toggled on
  • can’t backfill by default (but you would be doing the Lord’s work if you were a person willing to do that).

The Various Arcade Modes

  • Obviously the ones available that day/week.
  • Toggle which ones you’d be okay being queued in.

Then an additional option to declare if you want to be backfill or not.

While we’re at it. Role-queue could use some incentive love too. So the nifty feature in Arcade to get lootboxes, something like that for using and winning using Role-queue would be great. Maybe even make a unique type of lootbox that just rewards a random amount of coins and one or two other things?


The thing is, it seems blz doesn’t like to give us options, play their way because they know best as they lay of more employees. :clap:

Game needs options I agree, more than it currently has.
The best is to allow the players to choose how they wish to play? Seems logical.


That’s where you get chaos in a team based game because there is no structure. Team based games need structure. I can’t think of a single team based game where players can just do what they want and that’s just how you win.

In the past, stacking heroes was changed because we can just revisit that game mode in acrade and see how it absolutely doesn’t function with the roster we have.

Not having something like 2-2-2 is now running into the same thing because of an expanding roster. Since there is no structure to how a composition should be played, players are either left with greedy compositions in the bigger field of play (3-4 DPS), or stale metas from higher level of play (GOATs).

The bigger issue is… Yes. There are compositions where 3-4 DPS does work, but they’re extremely structured to pull them off, or has a person who is putting in overtime to carry that team to make it work. Meaning, there is a structure for the success.

The majority… There is no logic (or there is poor logic) to the 3-4 DPS they pick other than it’s who they want to play.

If they win, it’s because something was carried. It’s a battle of ego and being carried by the responsibility of other players trying to structure the team, or the skill of a player who likely shouldn’t be in that rank. It’s not because it actually works.

I mean… I can possibly use a steak knife to tighten a screw, but it doesn’t mean it’s the right tool for the job.

I foresee it being an udder mess. Say you are a tank main. You queue as tank, your team consist of widow,hanzo,Moira(dps), Lucio and another tank. You would be slaughtered. Chances are you will get frustrated and leave the match.

I got a fix for that:

It’s an alternative to 2-2-2 RoleLock, that doesn’t suffer from high queue times, difficult implementation, limited team comp variety, or removing the ability to flex on those who perform poorly in their role. Also it would provide a solution for Quickplay, which would contain 100% of any newly joined players.
✅ [Not 2-2-2] TF2 style Class Limits

Alright then… I’ll go with what I commonly see.

I’m going to practice using Ana because I’d like to start using her in ranked. Go into QP, select Ana. Team sees they have a main healer, so you are the only healer.

It’s already an mess. It’s a mess with far more variables and conditions that say, “You’re really not learning anything to help you in ranked.”

At least with the mess you displayed, that’s one condition. How it currently stands, there are multiple conditions.

My only problem with NOT 2-2-2 and using a variation of it is it only fixes the Brig/GOATs problem.

It doesn’t do anything for next Brig situation.

Let’s say… We get a DPS hero that functions extremely well as an off tank.

Now we have another Brig situation where they can…

  • avoid making it in the first place
  • nerf it like crazy so it’s not effective in high ranks of play, but even worse in other ranks
  • rework it
  • modify limits yet again?

I’d say this game will most definitely have problems in the future.
And that solving problems we have now takes more precedence over problems that don’t even exist.

Also the only forseeable problem is when we get 3+ anchor tanks, and they could just solve that by having a limit of 2 anchor tanks per team.
Which wouldn’t be too weird, because they are already limiting what heroes can be picked with the role limits.

See though… The ultimate problem is that there isn’t any real structure set in place for the game, so balancing and possibly even development is now tricky.

The situation with Brig was an inevitable, and now it’s at a stance where they can… rework her or nerf her more… Whatever way they solve it, in the game’s current state, it’s just buying time till the next, similar situation happens.

Way I see it, the main difficult thing to balance is Healers. And a 2Healer limit would go a long way to fixing that.
Everything else should be fine, as long as the devs don’t make another DPS+Healer+Tank hybrid like Brig, and then put it in the Tank or DPS category.

When they changed one hero per team a long time ago, the introduced no limits in arcade. So I guess that if they make QP role queue, they would at least make an arcade mode out of it or preferably two QP modes.

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