I noticed while playing Quick Play Classic that any time played there is not logged on my Career Profile, but it should be logged there somewhere.
Before posting this, I did briefly search the forums and I did not find a duplicate for this bug report, so/thus, this report was created.
This isn’t urgent, but please look into correcting this in a coming update.
Edit 1: I did a test: I played a hero which I have never played (not even 1 minute) before, and played an entire game as that hero in Quick Play Classic, and after the game, looked at my stats for “All Modes” for that hero and they all still remained (erroneously) at zero (0) (i.e. I had over 5k healing, but ALL stats still remained at zero like I never played that hero before due to the QPC bug).
Edit 2: I don’t think this bug I’m describing here is the same thing being described under " CAREER PROFILE BUG".