"Queue Times are a direct tradeoff for 2-2-2"

Ill take 2 off tanks over no tanks. Also highly doubt it will be 15 mins, or even close to it. More likely they will just loosen the mmr to get faster games, plus the past few weeks have had fast ques after they changed something, I have hope. I do think many people enjoy supports tho, and off tanks. Think it is mainly main tanks people dont enjoy playing, either they are very team dependent, like winston and rein, or they are zzzzzzzzz to play like orisa.

It’s either the devs or the players that will make him feel this way. “You suck, you’re not rank 1 in the top 500, let me shame you for your rank and tell you why you shouldn’t be playing Junkrat”.

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All the games with tank / dps / healer queue have long queue time for DPS, it ain’t new. Don’t expect less than 10-15m, especialy in QP.

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Nah losing feels just as bad :stuck_out_tongue:
But people are nicer when it is fake PTR SR. :rofl:


Maybe for you. For people who care about team comp and see 6 dps comp, there is a hopelessness there because you know very critical roles are missing that you will not get with a 222 comp. It’s over before it even started due to a lack of roles.

That won’t happen anymore.


Lol ok

Agreed. I play competitive for hard games. even beating teams because they had a horrible unbalanced comp and then started soft throwing half way through the game is not enjoyable to me.

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lol, I have long since grown insensitive to what others are doing in this game. They’re gonna do what they are gonna do. All I can do is my best to win.
Premade 6 stack is different, I’m talking about blueberries.

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Resignation that team comps are gonna be too awful to even care a little about isn’t exactly a point in the favor of not having role lock.

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I never said I don’t care about comps :slight_smile:
just this player base is not above average intelligence.
You are not going to make them smarter in a matter of 30 seconds before the game.

People think they lose due to bad comps. Or their teammates. People argue this all the time. In game, people outright scapegoat their teammates. I just replied to someone in another thread who is convinced they are stuck in gold because of their teammates. So you’re wrong on this, people do think just like they did in LFG that they are being held back by comps and that alone. And the disillusionment will settle in soon after launch.

While true, the makers and maintainers of the game should be lessening the problem instead of contributing.

Well here’s the thing mr. genius, if team comps suddenly don’t matter much, you’re in the same situation as before, and slightly worse if you wer3e someone willing to fill the gaps. Over enough games the ones where bad comps determined your rank average out vs everyone else that had bad comps determine a game meaning you ended up in the exact same place you’re going to now.

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So far every game I get on the PTR has been within a couple minutes. Just deal with it.

The thing is main tank is easy if you’re just standing there, but if you’re a good main tank they WILL counter you and you have no options.

Imagine clicking in “Quick Play” and waiting 20 mins for a 8 min match.
Great trade off indeed :rofl:


So you have no argument then, cool. If queue times are that short there’s not as much of a problem but still the issues I said above will exist, the punishment will just be less.

It’s often very easy ya. It can get hard. And I would lose to similar level Reins in everything but positioning likely. Especially shield dancing with ult. But for the most part if you have good positioning, which I learned from playing so much Widow, you are doing good work on a tank.

Just not true at all. A good rein will eat a widow filling on rein alive. You won’t have good positioning. Rein and widow positioning are nothing alike. Rein is all about the half step backwards two steps up one step to the side… micro positioning to force them to fight you without dying. You should be getting gold dmg every game as rein

As main tank your job is to 1 v 6 without dying. So a random dps or supp can fill on rein and not die and think they’re doing well when really they’re throwing by not demanding focus

The thing is they are never the same rank. It’s pretty common to see 3 different ranks in a single match below diamond. It’s not competitive just lazy. I’m sure people would feel a lot better if the game didn’t have someone 400 sr below everyone on the team. That’s not balanced at all and is the antithesis of competitive.

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Thats correct which means too many games were decided by awful team comps (wins and losses). 222 makes for more balanced and COMPETITIVE games instead of so many coin flip games. Ranking up or down is inevitable in any system so whats your point?

Well all I can say is I won using him and barely play him and while hating almost every second of it.

Mostly just by having my shield in the right place and knowing when to over extend to do damage and when to fall back. Every hero can have a lot of depth that isn’t my argument, it’s that ranking up on some heroes is way less time invested to reward and that’s objectively true.

‘Just by having my shield in the right place’

That’s not how you play rein. If you had said:

‘Having my hammer in the right place’

Then I might have believed you. Main tank is probably the hardest role to climb on because you need your team to help you. You will get countered every game with no way to deal with it. You put yourself in danger the whole game bad if your team isn’t good enough you will die a lot.

As a main tank, every person on your team who isn’t carrying their weight just means another enemy shooting you.

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Even if you make mistakes on Rein you’re so babysat by offtank and supports that it matters way less than on DPS. In fact using that to get out of position on purpose is part of playing him, which is the hammer part you talk about. Mostly I played Orisa though, and using the aim I had with Widow while just backing up or going forward and using shield and using right click was most of it. Seems most Orisa at my rank don’t hit the broad side of a barn so made it pretty easy to rank. You can argue semantics but I think results speak for themselves. Orisa’s winrate with me playing her was better than Widowmaker who I have way more time on.