Queue the loss streak

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yea, just no comma or numbers

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Yea thats right, i find it ironic someone who seems very toxic accusing me of being toxic lol

I was 2.2k sr then boom massive losing streak according to you muppets im suddenly silver after playing around 2.2k for seasons…yep makes sense.


Can I be Kermit? I enjoy Kermit memes.

If it makes you happy.

you are assuming your play stays the exact same as your rank… your rank reflects your play, not the other way around…

You know what? You’re ok :slight_smile: Best of luck getting back to gold and plat shortly after.

My play doesnt change this dramaticly in 3 days from months of playing

then if it didnt change then just keep playing and it will normalize

Despite my overwhelming greatness I can’t carry anyone…Rein has a bad back :frowning:

I deleted my comment you actually seem ok, the junkrat elitist however…plus i dont have the energy to argue lol

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What caused that loss streak? And “my teammates,” is not the correct answer.

Figure out what you were doing wrong, what caused you to lose so much, and loss streaks like that will stop happening.

Or, you could always keep on complaining on the forums that “the matchmaker is giving me bad teammates,” and nothing will change. You seem to like that option, so I guess, glhf!

yeah, I actually remember making an LFG that said SPECIFICALLY in the title
“no kids” but despite that I had a group of 3 kids around the ages of 9-10 join my group. Needless to say I immediately kicked them.

Yes because bad team mates are never ever the reason people lose. Even if you have a 9 year old Genji who ended the game with 5k damage. (yes that actually happened, he said over the mic he had 5k damage after 3 rounds on illios)

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I’d say that you’re both correct. And hopefully here’s a more useful answer.

Season 9 dropped 650 SR from prior season. 2350 to 1700. And, my god, had some of the biggest morons imaginable on my teams. Literally made me wonder how they could even figure out how to power on the PS4, let alone play the game.

And I was in this blame mind set for a long time, as team mates constantly ran ahead of my barriers to die. Why team mates never followed up on my halts or finished off enemies I was too slow to pursue.
Then it hit me. When I was at 2350, I had good DPS and good healers. At 1700 everybody was just freaking terrible. I’d risen up to 2350 via DPSing and settled into supporting/ tanking. Now I was at 1700 I’d just have to repeat the process.

I quit playing Orisa and got coaching for Moira and Lucio. Massaged my kd numbers to raise my MMR, and lo and behold, 80% win rate back up to gold with godly team mates.

This season I placed at 2k, then joined a few LFG groups that sucked, and again rather stupidly played Orisa. Was down to 1725, but just climbed 100 SR in short order after deciding to one trick Lucio. I’ve played 20+ 4 player death match games with him and had some great results so far. After dueling plat McCree fighting silvers is a breeze. My elims/ minute have gone up circa 40% due to improvements in accuracy and movement mechanics. I play him like a psuedo Genji that can pop down and heal if needed. I’m generating ult about 40% faster as well and I’m just contributing a lot more than I was before.

TLDR: Select an independent hero that can frag out in order to raise your MMR back up so that you get good tea mates again. Play like you’re trying to be a plat, because it’s harder trying to climb out of silver than it is to play in gold as you can’t rely on anybody else to do their jobs.

Yeah that last forced lost streak really bit the bullet for me.

Dropped extremely far, normally the climb isn’t hard. I keep my profile public with no shame. After falling below 1700 the quality and attitude tend to be very undeseriable. Younger, immature players, that will blame everyone but themselves. Sadly no matter how good you are, at this elo, with no solid team you wont win. Eventually for me it turned into the ,“Hey you were gold low plat, you’re a smurf, no you’re throwing”. Everygame turned into the blame game, usually with me being the scape goat, and POOF here came a ban. Blizzards lovely email was a giggle fit to read. That careful investigation would have shown, toxic players, and many games of women being unforutunately harassed by the summer time kiddos/toxic teens. Most reports were just trolls too.

My best advice is if you feel that losing streak coming, take a break, you dont want to be in my shoes…

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I’m at 19 games lost now and counting, I cant see light at the end of the tunnel, 18th game attack Bastion in scout mode on echenwald. Last game 19th we were winning on Nepal destroying the enemies in fact then at 90% 2nd round we had a leaver… at this point I don’t know what else to do I’m 470 sr down so far at this rate I’m going to end up in bronze


I managed to get my account which was hard stuck in gold to platinum after grinding many many games. Now my main account is on a loss streak from platinum. Thanks.