Queue the loss streak

Not sure what I did to deserve this one, but it has happened again. Non stop losses spanning a few days now. If I have to carry any harder try to win, I’ll break my back.


If you were really carrying, you wouldn’t be losing. Instead of thinking that you need to do it all, focus on helping your team work as a team. I know a lot of people don’t give a damn, especially in lower ranks, but let’s face it…I’m silver, you’re gold…if we were good enough to carry we wouldn’t be in our ranks so focus on improving instead :slight_smile:


I’ve been playing this game in 10 seasons now. nothing has changed. The system will try it’s hardest to find a group of people it wants to drag their rank down.


Ive dropped 400sr mate , 3 days of nonstop loses throwers and morons. I think it coincides with the kids summer holidays


I had a nice 80% win rate or so for a long time maining moira;reaching 2200SR. Then all of a sudden my win rate drops to 25%(or so) and im losing SR like crazy; all the way back down to 1800’s.



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Try using LFG, a looking for group system either on here or another website, or try finding friends to play with.

I think blizz punishes people who pick the same heroes repeatedly…

Ah yes
Another person who fails to realize that the system isn’t flawed and they just need to improve(mostly their attitude/mindset)

Improving is one thing. Having the system blatent tip the odds in another teams favor is another.


Yes thats right its my fault I randomly got a 10 yr old Rein in my game earlier who played Mario sound bytes constantly and suicided all match. How silly of me to cause him to do that.

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Yep, OP definetly gets extremely toxic in game when things don’t go their way. More focused on winning than improving.
And SaltyFlaps as well

Don’t be mean. Don’t you know Salty used to be GM rank before Blizz made that Mario kid show up in his team?

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odds? what odds are you talking about? surely not skill


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I think it happens to everyone to be honest. There is something going on within the algorithm of mm. You can steam up to a certain rank with ease, then all of a sudden it feels as though you are playing against GM’s game after game, with bronze teammates (no offence to bronzes).

It would just be nice to have some consistency with team synergy, unfortunately I think that is beyond the capability of the mm algorithm, too many variables.

Essentially to land in “your” rank you have to have 10 hours a day, be a pro streamer or be extremely gifted at FPS/moba type games.

Basically what I’m saying is a losing streak is balanced with a winning streak no matter how you look (solo queue) but it will happen. It’s just frustrating in the manner it happens


I had what you need to do that saved but I accidentally deleted it >:’(

< insert any letters >

How rude of you…