Queue karma - a fair and easy way to reduce competitive queues for *ALL* players

The idea is simple…

Win a game as tank, your next game is a priority queue.

It’s almost no work to implement, too. No UI changes needed. No MMR tweaking required. Just an extra function call at match end, to an existing function.

Blizzard, please. Tackle Overwatch’s biggest problem:

Let us play the game!

Q & A

Why is queue karma needed in Comp?

Queue times since Competitive 2/2/2 has been implemented have consistently shown that the lack of players queuing Tank is impacting the overall number of Overwatch matches able to be played.

Barring major changes to the Tank role, strong queue incentives are the only way to mitigate the queue imbalance in 2/2/2.

How does queue karma help queue times for everyone? If I don't queue Tank, why will my queues be lower?

Priority queues are granted only for wins, and the average player wins 50% of their matches. So, on average one “Flex” player will play 2/3 of their games as Tank and 1/3 as DPS/Support/Tank.

While Flex players will queue skip in front of you some of the time, the overall queue times will go down because significantly more matches will be able to be created.

My queue times are already fast enough, why should I care about queue karma?

Match quality! Currently, because of the limited tank player pool, one of the challenging parts of playing tank is that the matchmaker will create “pity” games in order to keep queue times low. This means that Tank players can end up in games far above and below the match’s skill level.

I already play only Tank, how will queue karma impact me?

Queue karma shouldn’t increase tank player queue times overall. You’ll miss out on some of the instaqueues into low-quality “pity” games–but the overall number of good quality matches should go up with more tank players in the queue pool.

By spending your queue karma on Tank queues, on average your queues will still be prioritised over Flex players queuing for Tank.

Plus, since queue karma only rewards winning, you can rest assured knowing that toxic hog thrower will on average be waiting longer in queue and spending less time in your matches.

But what if I just got a leaver/DC and my game shutdown, giving me a priority queue already... how will my queue be faster?

Actually, it might not be. On one hand, the player pool in queue will be larger leading to overall faster and better quality matches. But you’ll also lose out because priority queues due to minute 1 leavers won’t have the same importance.

If this turns out to be an issue, “High Priority Queue” could become a thing. But this would require a few UI changes, and tweaks to the matchmaker.

But won't queue karma just flood the game with inexperienced non-Tank players playing Tank?

Yes and no. Not all players who main DPS/Support are actually better at DPS/Support. Take me, for example: 76.7% of my play time is on DPS… still better at Tank. (T/D/S=13.7/76.7/9.5)

This is also shortsighted. In the long run, the community needs more players learning Tank in order to survive. So, while there will be a temporary influx of more new players playing tank and the matchmaker trying to place them, in the long term we’ll all be better off.

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I’ll stick with the 25 minute queue over playing CC victim for 10 minutes

Just play offtank lol

I also think the single worst thing about playing tank is all the CC and how it disproportionately affects tank players. I wish Blizzard would take a hint from WoW and implement some kind of diminishing returns on CC, or even just add straight up CC resist to the tank class… but that’s for another topic to discuss.

The great thing about a queue karma system is, even if you don’t play tank your queues will still go down. (Feel free to check the Q&A)

I resent the fact that I am a toxic thrower just because I play Hog. Nice one, buddeh, but I will have you know you only get to bask in my presence because I was humble enough to queue for tank, and therefore karma will actually reward me because I will smash all the non toxic, non thrower people who cannot play Reinhardt.

Good day, sir!


My apologies to the players who genuinely like Hog, have played Hog since the beginning, and just want to make Hog work in Comp. (And thanks for keeply the reply politely worded :slight_smile: )

I think the biggest problem with Hog, and why so many tanks hate main tanking with Hog is not just a synergy thing–it’s just that Hog is really really weak right now. (I mean, even without buffs they could at least make his ult cancellable, to start.)

But yes, in a queue karma system if you aren’t deranking on Hog (by which I really mean, you aren’t a DPS main getting annoyed at >10 min queues and locking in a quick game of throw Hog)–but rather playing at your level as you always have–then you will be enjoying the rewards of the karma system like other tanks.

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I was just joking around, trust me, I am used to being called a thrower. If that offended me, well… I just might never have played Hog. People really do not like us, but it is okay, because I too dislike them. We share that in common and should use to bond as teammates!

The queue times made me a Hog/Hammy. At first it was just to dodge queues, but soon I learned it was my true calling. I am not sure I would even use the karma system to be perfectly honest.

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Tank mains: Why am I queued? I didn’t even press the button yet!

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Can be done with also supports. Not the first post like this:

Oh, I remember a post about queue karma from GreyFalcon ages and ages ago. Players (including myself) have been wanting queue karma since before 2/2/2 was ever implemented.

It’s just a message that needs repeating again.

My post references “Tank” because almost all of the time that’s the rate-limiting role in filling Comp Queues atm, but I’m talking about a simple, effortless extension to the current queue reward system here (the one that only gives useless credits and a daily box). Which doesn’t care if queue rewards are given for playing DPS or Support, if those are the roles in demand at the time.