- Any except widow or hanzo
- This doesn’t really affect me, all it does as far as I’m concerned is make watching pro matches boring. And I don’t watch them a lot. But, if I were playing at high ranks, I might be annoyed at feeling pressured to play a meta hero I don’t like.
- I don’t mind most of them, except widow, hanzo, dumb junkrat spam, and sometimes genji (actually genji tilts me beforehand with his defenses)
- I like variety, so my “perfect” comp wouldn’t stay the same for long, plus it’s map-dependent, but let’s go with Mercy, Ana, Ashe, Echo, Rein, Zarya
- Teams are engaged in relatively close quarters, rotating, bobbing and weaving, frontlines clashing, flankers zipping around. As far as I can tell, this is what nearly all heroes were designed for. KotH is my favorite gamemode because those maps support it much better than certain others *cough* Hanamura *cough*
- Any hero which takes mechanical skill and isn’t widow.
- The issue is the game gets stake. It’s not fun to play the same 6 heroes for several months.
- Read one.
- There isn’t one. The game needs monthly major balancing changes in order to feel fresh.
- Read 4.
“Allowed” is a very weird choice of word, I’m okay with most hero being viable as long as viable means you can play them but they are not dominant, and evne then I’m okay with dominant heroes as long as it’s not for to long, because it gets boring real quick when you get dunked on by the same hitscan with the same gameplan and mechanic for 6 months straight.
The DPS heroes I would like to face the most are DPS heroes with interesting mechanics that offer ways to play arround, such as sym, mei, sombra, torb, ect…
That’s not really a question… but i’ll try to answer. The issue isn’t that people like the hero or play it or not, it’s when said hero is overpowered. There is no way so sugarcoat it, you clearly aren’t trying to have a conversation as much as you are trying to prove yourself right by virtue of asking questions that no matter the answer you come out on top.
But let me take the bait. The problem with a hero being “”“popular”“” for so long is that is stales the game down. What makes overwatch fun is the diversity of hero and situations you can be put in, playing against the same hero over and over again just ruins that.
You missed what people meant when they said “unfun to die to”
There isn’t such a thing as “fun to die to”, but there is a thing such as being unfun to die against.
You never gain fun by dying to someone, but on the other handbeing killed by someone can definitly ruin your fun.
And I think most of it comes down to counterplay. When a mei kills you, more often than not you had ample counterplay, time to react, ways to escape or kill her first.
But when you die to a widow that you didn’t even know existed trough an obscure sightline that should have never existed or when you die from a mccree that missed the flash but the radius is so big it still hits you, it’s unfun because there’s nothing you can do about it.
Weird question, but it’s hard to come down to ONLY 2 heroes per role, what I enjoy about overwatch is diverstity, but if i HAD to pick some it would be like monkey d.va echo sym mercy bap? not really sure
Not really one answer, I feel like what’s fun is all playstyle co-existing. If the game was only brawl or only dive or only double sniper it would be boring, but all of them existing together and switching from time to time is nice