I wanted to start fresh for the role queue thing so in the beta, I bought a new account, leveled up to 25 and started playing competitive role queue as DPS.
I placed at 2800ish after winning all my 5 placement matches. I went on winning 36 games in a row and losing none in the role queue beta, which put me into rating 3576. I won 4 of my season 18 placements and drew 1 and I recieved rating 3613. That makes it a tally of 40 games won and 1 drawn, just to make it to low masters.
My question is whether there have been any changes to the rating system during the role queue, how comes that I play my role, completely dominating as DPS and still recieve maximum of 25 sr per match. (I got a small sr boost after first placements only) And how is it possible to only gain 37 SR plus for winning 4/5 placments and drawing one (note I still didn’t lose a game after buying this new account). The system must see that I don’t belong in the current rating as I am not losing any games adn topping all of the stats, I thought I’d be in GM by now but instead you are making me ruin games for other people and I do feel bad for having to play so many games to get my correct rating, because sometimes it feels unfair, you can see the skill margin, everyone can see it, I am getting flamed for ‘smurfing’ even though I am doing my best to be at my correct rating and not purposely keep myself in master or diamond.
Right now it feels super unrewarding to play competitive and I am sorry to all the enemy teams I played against and had them lose because of the flawed skill rating system.
Here are some stats from role queue beta and season 18 placements:
Eliminations: 1322
Deaths: 129
(That’s a 10:1 K:D ratio)
Avg. Dmg per 10 mins: 15.947
Final blows: 845
Solo kills: 355
If you want to have a role queue working, you need to take individual performences into account, because right now it feels like old mmr rating with forced 2-2-2. Very badly designed competitive system and I wouldn’t wonder if more people felt the same way as I do not only for my rating but for the people that need to play against people from higher SR who need to win 4 games to climb 100 sr and lose none. To even reach low GM, I now have to win 16 games in a row withotu losing or drawing a single one and that’s after 41 games without a loss.
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Performance bonuses were removed in 3000+ to stop people from stat chasing instead of going for the win. See How Competitive Matchmaking and Rating Works (Season 18) → Performance Modifier.
By the way, did you happen to write down your SR after each match? I would be interested in the numbers.
they are probably being stingy with the sr in order to keep the low/mid ranks as fattened out as possible to keep the q times down for the majority of the player base during launch of 222.
It’s why they really need to place people higher than plat instead of dumping everyone in plat and gold regardless of how well (or poorly) they play
I think it’s why the game is perceived as having such a smurfing problem. Everyone is placed lower than their real rank and since there are a L O T of alt accounts being bought all the time, there is almost always someone in any given comp game playing well below where they belong.
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It indeed feels like inflating certan ranks but it brings lots of unfairness for both sides. I think most people would rather wait extra 2 minutes for a quality match than get a quick queue with people out of their skill range.
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You’re feeling the hurt because they removed performance bonuses in 3000+ and they severely nerfed win streak bonuses. I get why they did this but I personally love the idea of performance bonuses since this being a team game, your personal skill rating is highly affected by other players which for the most part is uncontrollable.
IMO SR gain/loss should be more heavily influenced by personal performance between bronze and diamond to balance the nature of having to rely on others. Also, I think that they should modify the win streak bonus so that’s it’s difficult to trigger but when triggered the bonuses are exponential every few wins.
So after playing on Damage for a bit, I decided to go for Tank placements. I won them all with K:D 151:11 (Roadhog/Zarya). I placed gold. Yes, g o l d. Imagine how much fun are people from gold to masters have while I will be trying to climb on the tank role. In fact I am not going to touch tank because that is just completely ridiculous to think that what I did on DMG (climb to 4k-ish from 2800) I would do to the people in their correct rating again on tank.
This competitive system is not working properly and it’s about time devs start addressing the issues.
I wanted to post a screenshot but it wouldn’t let me post a link.
i.imgur. com/ cihURVk.png
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