Question OverWatch Workshop

I copypasted all rules. But no in deatmatch mccree no spawb

Or try this it just have the Spawn Dummy Bot Rule, its modified, i just added some if-elseif statements to check which mode is currently played depending on what becomes true the McCree just appears in Deathmatch FFA as opponent, in opposite team of you in team based modes and if you use Training Area he will spawn in your team. The code is : FKHKK


Thanks its work fine.

Can you do mccree +1 ammo (no max, just +1) after kill now normal on ptr? Because they add new settings for ammo

My code 99V3K

With the new PTR update many things are now possible which weren’t before ofc i can do that^^.


As requested here is the Ammo Rule code: 8638V (PTR only)


i change map workshop chamber and start game with 11 mccreee

My button dont work

Help me please code FMJ0K

Before asking 1 trillion questions, explore the workshop a bit and look at other peoples code and learn from their code. And then, and only then, if you can’t figure something out, you can ask about it, and there are many people who would be happy to help. :slight_smile:
Also as a recommendation, specifically save a Mccree 1 bullet a.k.a “one in the chamber” preset and look at the code.
Now, when you’re looking at code for the first time, or even when you’re a bit new to coding, it can be overwhelming. In this case, just study the code for a while and try to understand what the code is doing. Also please do this:



Maybe this video will help.

Button for mcree spawn dont change him position.

Why should it change position the video doesn’t denote any issues? You just show how you kill the McCree Bots you have spawned once, what do you mean?


Usually when i press button for spawn = 1 mccree spawned on my place. No more. If i press again = he teleport on my place.

But on this map/mode every press just create 1 more mccree in random place and i cant change their position

Ah finally you wrote full sentences, first of read this again

Secondly the video is somehow called Reinhardt charge is Random, whatever that is related to the issue is not clear. Lastly the Dummies are meant to be spawned and nothing else, you test on them the Ammo refill system i created above desired by the thread creator. If you want them to do something else you need to give them AI behaviour with throttle, ability executions and facing directives. The bot you spawn is just a pure dummy there.


why? I wasn’t trying to be rude or anything. And I’m sorry if that came out as offensive.


Error importing game settings code:(

Unfortunately PTR codes can’t be imported on live give me a little bit of time so i can apply it for the Live version, when i’am home.


Waiting :slightly_smiling_face:

ill convert it :slightly_smiling_face:

here it is: GFD12



There is one problem … if there was one bullet, we fired and killed someone, then the reload animation starts which is interrupted :frowning:

First thanks @AlaskaWolf for converting it. And my apologize for the late reply. @Okiz yeah thats due to the wait behaviour of the rule in the if block it ensures that the Kill count is able to stack if you manage to kill more people in a short frame e.g 0,5 seconds. Within this frame the reloading of ammunition might occure or better saying will occure and trigger if your actual ammo hits 0, due that the reloading procedure takes few frames more than the waiting behaviour the ammo can increase before reloading can finish its process, guess the Blizzard Devs enabled a check should the ammo increase while auto reloading by an external instance e.g a workshop script it will cancel the reloading and won’t finish. Regarding to what you want i modified the Rule and added an Abort if action which triggers before the wait behaviour and cancels everything in the action list which means Kill count won’t reset by default anymore, so stacking is guaruantueed for this case. Tell me if you wanna leave it on with Reloading cancel or Kill count stacking or even another tweak. The code: M7FA1


I ran the text through google translator but didn’t understand much …

The problem is that the reload animation starts but stops immediately. It gets in the way and is disorienting. I would like that if I killed with the last bullet, then the reload would not start (if I did not start it myself)

Is this implemented in your code?