Question | How Should Mercy Mains Offer Feedback?

So he did. How long ago was that though? Who takes that seriously anymore? People got a laugh after that.

They probably won’t say anything because they don’t need to.

And there are other customers that don’t care that much.
We are a minority in the community, as forum users.

If they don’t care, great for them. Help the ones who are having concerns, because the team has been really disrespectful us.

They have been “disrespectful” to others as well.
Torbjorn players
Roadhog to an extent
And Bastion to an extent
Maybe Sombra

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Definitely Sombra

“Oh, we’ve nerfed the worst hero in the game, but we can’t fathom why people are annoyed by it”

Don’t forget the classic “What about Doomfist”

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The “worst” hero would be Torbjorn.
Sombra can definitely be useful. Torbjorn… well it’s a lot harder.

Did I say that other characters are not suffering as well? Don’t put words in my mouth.
Mercy community is huge and she was a major problem for the game for a year. Her situation and the situation with her players should be adressed because of how big the confusion THE TEAM created was.

You mean like the first couple of megathreads? Put it all on one place to make ignoring it even easier? (yes as long as there isn’t actual response to any of the actual feedback on her it’s “Ignoring” in my book)

Note you missed my

They don’t really say much now if it’s in any sorta of negative connotation to them.

Threads thanking them? They respond to that right away.

Feedback and questions about how a character’s balance is? Ignored. And that’s not even referring to Mercy.

Take a look at the Bastion thread. From what I’ve seen Bastion mains have been courteous and complied to mostly stick to they own thread; and yet not a single response was given to them.

Not even as “We think he’s in a good spot” that the Mercy player were given (granted that wasn’t even posted to the Mercy Megathread but moved there by a dev).

And Symm? What about the feedback from her newest rework? About how her newly intended aggressive play-style doesn’t reflect her low healthpool. Yes Tracer’s is lower, but Tracer has speed and recall, Symm does not, nor any means of protecting herself.

Again nothing.

Mercy Mains just tend to be more vocal, and I can see where the irritation can lie with that.

But I cannot blame them. I cannot blame Bastion Mains or Symm mains either for getting frustrated that their favorite heroes are in such disarray that when they try to do a more reserved approached they’re being met with radio silence.

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Torbjorn had a higher pickrate and winrate than Sombra. So did Bastion, for that matter. She was statistically the worst

She isn’t as bad as she was before.

It could be addressed and still people would complain.

Where did you get the statistics?

They were on Overbuff.

Step 1: Stop asking for a revert.
Step 2: Profit!

Because of threads downright insulting them. It is a better choice sometimes not to respond than to respond. This is the case.


I saw the Bastion thread today. Fine, it’s not good that they didn’t get a response.

Hanzo has an aggressive play style and he also has only 200hp. Mccree has a similar play style with 200hp. Similar with Genji. Tracer has 150hp.

That is the biggest reason why I really dislike Mercy threads.

I could.

That’s the hard thing. At some point (maybe not right now), they might have to accept it. Reaper is my most played hero, and he’s mostly trash at higher elos. Reaper also might not really need changes either.

I thought Overbuff was not taken seriously anymore due to private profiles.

Do you mean before her rework? Before her rework she was not a must pick, who had an ultimate on a constant cooldown. 1.0 had issues, but not as many as the actual version. 1.0 was considered weak, but many had fun with her. 1.0 didn’t receive 13 nerfs, unlike this one.

People who just hate her as character, you mean. Mercy players are complaining because of reason, she has been gutted down with nerfs. We want her to be fun, not OP. Mercy haters, however, just seem to hate her as character, and complain about her instead of trying to deal with.

I don’t know anymore. I don’t know that it was taken vary seriously before, because you still had to sign up for it.

Hanzo and McCree can both be effective from a distance. Hanzo now has Storm Arrows that deal a high amount of damage (which yes I still think is over tuned) and McCree has flashbang, and also has a pretty decent weapon, with aim he can 2 shot a good portion of the roster.

Symm’s weapon must charge up to become effective, and she lacks the distance that McCree and Hanzo can have on her.

Genji has speed that Symm does not have.

And thank you for ignoring my points against Tracer with her speed and recall that can help her get out of situations.

Symm either needed a little more health or kept her Photon Barrier.

I ignored most of the paragraph

There is/was a thread saying Mercy didn’t even get 10 nerfs. I don’t know where that is though.

This is a thing i do not understand. I want Hanzo to be fun, not OP. I want scatter arrow back. They won’t do it, why would they?

I myself do not hate Mercy, just people with extreme ideas and people who insult others because of Mercy.