And that the reason I’m gaining between high teens and low 20s SR per win and gaining less SR per win than I am losing for loss when I play Ashe is because I’m “underperforming” despite my extremely high win percentage…
Fine, if that’s the case then look at my profile and walk me through which stat in particular that I am “underperforming on”. Take your time, I’ll wait:
Battletag: MercyMain#1552
Btw, this is the SECOND season in a row that I’ve maintained an 80+% win percentage with Ashe over 4+ hours and been told that I am “underperforming on her”
Are you looking at overbuff statistics to make your assessment?
Regarding damage, I think overbuff uses overall damage including barriers, which makes my damage number look low. I actively avoid shooting barriers with Ashe, as I think spamming barriers is a bad use of resources when your character has such a long reload time. I’d rather have my clip full for when there is an enemy to shoot at
As a result, almost all of my damage is hero damage and I usually get end of game cards for 30%+ of hero damage done, so I know my damage output is not a problem.
Anyway, how is my sombra play “underperforming”? I generally get 20-23 SR per win with her as well and my stats are almost 99 percentile across the board on overbuff (I didn’t know this until now, first time I’ve looked at overbuff in months)
I was looking at Overbuff and the damage was the only low percentile and it’s even reasonably easy to get to par from there. I never mentioned Sombra; I am unsure where you got me mentioning anyone besides Ashe as I never did.
Oh, the quotes made it seem like you were quoting me. Your crits are very low but everything else is through the roof. My only advice is hit more heads as her as everything else seems super high. Should be like 28-30 a win imo. Maybe you were REALLY heavily slated to win those games?
Your stats are better than mine on my smurf in about that SR but I get 30 or so maybe cuz of my Tracer? Or your MMR might need to catch up with your Ashe play
h ttps://
yea PBSR seems weird but it could be due to her being a new hero. Since you don’t want players to climb due to and OPed hero that just got released.
Nevertheless im against PBSR, it doesnt work on console imo.
And I don’t think it is a matter of my MMR needing to catch up to my SR, because when I win games with Ana, I gain around 27 SR. Then the next game I go back to Ashe and gain 17-23 SR. And my MMR can’t be swinging that wildly from game to game.
But ya, I played a lot of tracer in past seasons and was gaining between 28-35 SR per win. I also used to main roadhog before Blizzard dumpstered him (stopped playing him a while before the recent buff) and I had the same problem, where I would play great with him and have great stats (my hook accuracy was close to 70% for example) and I would get incredibly low SR gains for some reason. One game that really stood out was when I went 70-3 elims/deaths with 3 gold medals and gained 15 SR…
This is why I keep saying I think the PBSR system is broken. I have played this game long enough to know when I have played well vs played poorly and when the PBSR gives me SR gains as if I was completely carried, when I know that I was in fact the carry, it gets really frustrating.
I think that’s one of my main reasons for wanting to get to diamond, to escape the PBSR system. The other main reason is cuz the logo is shiny and I want it
Ya, funny thing is I was thinking to myself “I wonder if there’s a way to let people see my profile directly on this site”, I just had a brain fart and didn’t think to log into this account
Your raw stats seem very good (excluding damage/10 min because your profile/overbuff don’t show those).
PBSR usually has a strong correlation with your Elims/Life (or Death) & time on fire, both of which are very high on your Sombra/Ashe.
There’s no reason for you to gain below 20 SR with those stats consistently so something in your story must be off.
Yeah, I provided all the evidence showing exactly what I am saying, but since you can’t accept that your precious system isn’t perfect, the problem must be that I’m lying
I’m lying, you caught me. I hacked into Blizzard’s servers and altered my stats to try to trick everybody. They aren’t real. Mystery solved, well done detective.
Only one problem… what the hell would be my motivation for making everything up like you are implying I did?
I love it when people accuse me of lying with nothing to substantiate their accusation.
btw I never said I gain less than 20 SR every game, I gain between 15-23 almost every game I win with Ashe
From my experience, PBSR works. I, playing on a lower ranked account to help my friends place, was gaining nearly 100 sr per win. It could tell I didn’t belong in that tier and is an effective counter measure to smurfing. If you’re overranked, you’ll gain way less sr and lose more. Stats require context to be properly analyzed and you can’t just make the excuse that your stats and sr gain undermines the system.
Rag Tagg had 70% win rate with Orisa and couldn’t climb as “his damage was too low”. He’s alright now as this crock system not implemented in diamond plus anymore. (Not sure he plays OW anymore sadly…)