Question for Mercy mains

I also am a mercy main, previously one trick until I started taking climbing more seriously.

So do you guys and gals prefer to solo Q or Q in a stack?

I think there are pros and cons to both, I personally prefer to solo Q, mainly because in high ranks I get called out for being trash/carried etc. having like 4K hours on her across my accounts I’m pretty cracked on her, so this is quite frustrating.

It does however occasionally pose problems with how the matchmaking plays out. As an example, I believe if one team has 1 GM the other team will have one too for balance.

So if the game puts me in team 1 as the “high ranking player of the team” but their “high ranking player” is a character that can carry harder than mercy (like 99% of the roster lol) and I find myself trying to carry my team on characters that I’m not amazing on just to try and prevent a one sided stomp.

Going with the stack option can be really good as you potentially know the other players really well, can synergise with you etc. However, when you stack vs stacks you have like a 90% chance one of their players is actually some Smurf GM sweat boosting friends.

What’s your thoughts?

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The stacking experience is that most of the time the people you stack with are because you legitimately like them and will not be anywhere close to your actual rank.

Most of the time for my experiences are its a mixture of a team where say you have a silver, a couple gold players a diamond. The sheer gap between the diamond and silver player is so huge that you will often faced against another team that is of the same make-up.

However, what is not guaranteed is that the diamond player fights diamond player and silver player fights silver player. What you end up with is possibly one dia player fighting a high gold while say another dia gets first kill on the silver player snowballing advantage.

I soloQ and I feel like I have amazingly balanced games and when stacking its very unbalanced. Its worse on Mercy since because your ability to affect the match is so limited if you ARE the best player on the team you actually gimping yourself trying to play Mercy compared to picking a DPS support and out aiming the other players.


Yeah you are very right I do agree with what you are saying. I personally would prefer the rank gap to be a little tighter at the cost of longer waiting times for a more balanced experience. Unsure if there are enough players now to do that now sadly

I used to be a Mercy main way back when, up until the dark days of the 5 man rez strats which made me quit playing Mercy and swapped to being a Rein/Reaper main (for tank/DPS respectively).

And even back then I preferred solo Q, and still do. Mainly because I was put under unreal pressure from all the players of the stacks to heal them before everybody else, and if I didn’t heal them straight away they flew off the handle. So since then I’ve stuck with solo Q-I’ve just not got any patience for potential douchebags anymore.

And after stopping playing stacks my gameplay improved because of zero pressure.

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Stacking feels fun when the natural spread between players is pretty tight. For a short time, I played with people who were like silver/gold tank/supports, but bronze level DPS. I’m like sitting mid-rank diamond on support or tank.

The game are just insanely unfun to everyone involved except in the stance where they played their best roles in tank/support and I took over perm DPS slot learning an entirely new hero. Then the matches were more evenly balanced.

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Oh absolutely I couldn’t agree more. It’s such a better experience when the games are super close, even when we lose.

Close game that we lose >>> one sided stomp where I win

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I prefer to duo with a talented hitscan or sojourn. The rest i don’t care about, but i feel like i have a purpose and I’m making a difference with a strong duo. It’s a lot more fun.

Solo q i only seem to endlessly get tracer sombra junkrat widow every game with a feeding mauga/rein and zenyatta otp.

This will never happen. They loosened the matchmaking twice in OW1 after role queue and again in OW2, making it even worse somehow. :skull_and_crossbones: (because 5v5 never solved queue times so they resorted to OW1 tactics again, make the game feel worse more consistently by worsening matchmaking)

They don’t care about balanced matches. They care about fast queue times, which is also killing the game.

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Wut? xD

Hope that’s not the reason for Solo Queueing :joy:

Honestly, I stopped playing Comp long ago; like 10 Seasons long ago.
Did a few placements, but I’m not going to put thousands of games in ranked just so the game rewards me with one division at the time

As some form of Retention feature?

If the game puts me in with people that don’t know the basics for their ranks, then what gives?

I really wish Solo Que was viable, but you are always the highest ranked player in your team for the algorithm, so.
And this is why everyone on the forum complains about the same thing. And it is always about the other roles.
If you play DPS, your supports never pay atention to you; if you play Support then your Tank just runs 1v5 into the enemy non stop, and so on and on

But if I have to choose, I’d say that Duo is the best format for stacking in comp.
You always reserve comms and call outs for your own. Yet I always go to team chat when playing comp

If more people are there, most of the times they’ll assume they got 2 smurfs on their team, so they’ll actually listen

Bigger stacks… they can turn extremely volatile.
… don’t fuss if you run into 3v5 games. It’s how it goes

Yeah, but we always know who is getting boosted; and that’s the target xD

What Rank are you?
Btw I’m Masters; and last time I played comp was with a friend that is also Master and GM in all roles. And I finished placements in Diamond 2, and my buddy ended in… Plat 4?
He literally went from Plat 5 to Plat 4 in five or six games xD

Like I have no idea what is the special souce that this Shamans are cooking with every WeFixed-FineTunedTheMatchmaking, in yet another patch… for the past 8years… but the result never makes any sense

Top500s are playing in Diamond. OWS and former OWL players are playing in Diamond xD

Anyways. I trully think that Duo is the healthiest format for comp. You can always draw a line. Like, if its not working, just let them do whatever; there’s nothing to carry in that match.
And just move on

And I prefer that over the struggle of actually having to push four randoms that are basically getting walked on by the enemy; and finding myself in their same situation

I can lose games all day. But if the match quality looks like a respawn simulator, then it is just not worth it for me

I want players on my same page. And that’s when I realize that Team4 has no idea what skill really is