I understand your concerns, however the issue in the case of Overwatch is not a matter of real-life combat situations which that text covers. Overwatch is a video game, and while they need to strictly follow certain branding rules, and figure out what symbols are acceptable to display in their games (and yes, their legal team has to do a LOT of work on this). Remember we can’t have many nations’ flags as player icons in this game due to legal reasons. I do believe for the purpose of legal definitions the skin is not violating any trademarks, branding identity, or the Geneva Convention itself. However, that is my mere interpretation.
I am going to conclude by saying, these topics on the forums are typically a bad idea because they get everyone upset for often no reason, and I am seeing a lot of replies in this thread that are now violating the Blizzard Forum Code of Conduct. If you have legal concerns you can always send an email to legal@blizzard.com (note due to the high amount of email that catchall email receives you will not receive a response).