Question about what is considered "3rd party"

I learned all that stuff myself, I’m sure you can.

“B-But Pursuit doesn’t give REAL TIME stats!!! Who cares if it screen reads, we should ban OBS then!!”

The most common one. I for one, am on board for ALL screen readers getting banned, but they’ve missed a few.

And you’re GM and I’m Plat. I don’t know what I’m doing wrong at all. I just play as I always have and I don’t know what’s holding me back.

They should do what Dota 2 does. Every match has a recording of the match on hand for personal download for a short time before it’s erased. Dota 2 has a bot (third party) that watches this recording once it’s done loading after your game and gives you advice.

BTW OBS studio which is used by a lot of people to record or stream for Twitch/YouTube and it’s a screen capture device. Shadowplay, another recording software, is also screen capture. Say goodbye to Overwatch YouTubers if you plan on doing that.

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Learn it. It isn’t hard if you watch your gameplay YOURSELF, I for one just grinded comp and watched back vods, looked where I fed/see if my sens was too high or low(was high at the time). With the occasional pro vod, because they know all.

I climbed out of diamond, which I was placed season 2, but over 1.5k SR doesn’t just happen from experience. You learn to teach yourself valuable info.

Great you want to kill Overwatch YouTube good job. OBS uses screen capture, good luck getting any support for disallowing OBS.

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“Screen reader” and “Screen capture” are completely different… Readers are the ones that give you the info. Screen cap was previously how you used Visor, and it was legit.

That went so unbelievably far over your head…

But here it is, as plainly as can be?

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I play it myself and if I watch it what’s the difference? I still made the choice ingame.

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It also says in the map so it includes only during the game.

use a screen capture for streaming and have a bot watch the stream bam I just circumvented a screen reader ban.

Actually even better, have it watch a VoD you just recorded. It’s after the fact anyways so this’ll only delay it a little more.

Actually wait, Pursuit should do that. Have it just do a simply screen capture then review it afterwards.

Sigh… They’re only talking about Visor here… WHICH IS WHY it’s so vague…

Pursuit doesn’t do any of that, but still reads the screen.

Violating game TOS is against Twitch’s own TOS, good luck staying live for long.

Also known as cheaties = no-no on twitch.

Yes pursuit should do that, it would loophole the entire TOS (Better yet, force you to put your own recorded gameplay in, like old Visor.)

It’s a bit stupid. I installed visor out of curiosity months ago. Before it was banned. Not in comp. Killed it within 30s of round start because it caused lag. Never ran it again. And still got a warning. Lol.

Only a warning I suppose.

Well duh, if you’ve used it, they run the risk of you using it again. I got the warning too, and I’m happy they told me (MONTHS after I last used it)… They just want to get as little people banned as possible for this.

It is…

an example

almost like saying “includes, but not limited to”

One major thing you can’t do on your own is have a target goal. Obviously you want your KD ratio really good but what’s average for diamond? Pursuit tells you that.

K/D doesn’t matter in games, you can literally just be a distraction all game as tracer and still put in work, since you made space for your team.

THAT’S gamesense, something that you should learn yourself.

Players just aren’t improving on their own. The % of players in each skill tier has barely shifted 2% since season 4… Something has gotta give. Blizzard needs to implement better systems to teach or encourage players on how to improve. Without them the community just stagnates. We already have proof of this.

Watching a situation over again from an outside perspective actually does help quite a bit. It allows you to actually think more about the game around you. There are times where you just watch it over and think “Oh I should have noticed this, or I should have done that” and you don’t need a GM advisor or some fancy program to do it for you. And now that you recognize the mistakes, you know what to watch for later.

And because of how useful watching it over again is, I’m sad they don’t have the replay system you suggested above

CS:GO and League have similar systems. Play a match and you have the option to download it to watch it over again at your leisure. Sooo dissapointed Overwatch doesn’t have a similar set up. They could at least make it like CSGO (if memory serves) where it only records comp games.

I also want to point one thing out

Third party is meant to describe an actual 3rd person contributing to your game.

This “bot” is made by Valve for Dota as part of the official Dota game. So there is no “third party” involved, still just between Valve and you the customer.

If my KD is high I’m not dying but the enemy is. If I’m a DPS I’m doing my job, If I’m not dead that means I’m very likely with my team or I’d get caught out a lot on my own. Getting a lot of kills and very few deaths in teamfights is really good.

It’s called Gosu.AI btw. The bot for Dota 2.

And one major difference about the review videos for Dota is it’s actually like a spectator version of the game. You can move around and view stats at any moment during the recording.