QP Shouldn't Be Excuse to OneTrick or Throw

I don’t see how you really can when there are two slots per role and you can’t guarantee you get your character, do you just leave?

A one trick isn’t just one hero, they can have multiple heroes they regularly rotate through, they just don’t swap mid game. Everyone has a secondary character no matter how specialized they are to one hero.

Fair enough. I mean I have met many people who one trick to the point they literally quit games if someone has their character. I wouldn’t say “everyone” rotates :slight_smile:

What a defeatist attitude… Some of the best matches I had started with my team getting absolutely destroyed. Rough starts happen, they’re never a reason to give up. In fact, turning those games around is one of the best feelings. And if nothing else, you’ll know you gave it your best effort.

I’m curious though, what do you mean by this?

Throwing shouldn’t be done anywhere, but one tricking a hero is not against the rules and people can play whichever heroes the please

If you don’t want me to one trick you’re basically asking me to throw because of one trick only really knows or is really good at that one character, you’d be worse off.

But, I just want to pley Merci

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Nah. I’m just faster.

…And I’ll swap to another character in the rare event my OTP gets taken.

Sounds like OP wants a competitive oriented experience.

If only there was a place to go for that. :thinking:

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It’s so funny, some people are like “Go tryhard in comp!”, others are “You’re not trying hard enough!”.

It’s Quick Play: I’ll play to win but I won’t be sweating all game cause if I wanted that I would be playing comp.

Also it’s not like a loss in qp means something, moreover the queue are quite fast even for dps so it really doesn’t make sense to be all “put your back into it!”, “Don’t throw!”, etc.

If someone is throwing just gg go next.

It’s how the game works. It would be different if this were comp, but this is Quickplay we’re talking about.

And the rest, nine out of ten, were ones where you never recovered. One out of nine, is not a good deal.

And just because you got destroyed at the start doesn’t mean you can make the call that it’s a loss. You can still tell if your team had synergy. If you really think your team has a chance, you don’t throw. But when you can clearly see difference, just let the steamroll through and end the match quickly, odds are, next game you’ll be the one doing the steamrolling.

Oh, i always give it my best effort, doesn’t change the fact that you know the loss coming a mile away.

Tell your team to just let the enemy team have it. You’ll be surprised how little resistance you get, especially after your team gets decimated.

Again, this is Quickplay. There are no balanced teams, it’s always a steamroll one way or another. Going tryhard will just slow it down, but you’re still going to get pummeled.

The only place where i can justify being a tryhard full time is in Quickplay Classic. My three best are a Tank, a DPS, and Healer. Swapping to any one of them actually makes a difference as you can turn a 2-2-2 into a 1-3-2, if you have another flex on your team you can pretty much control the team comp. The only time i called a throw, my team complied and my tanks and supports swapped so we turned into a 0-6-0. Only to end up winning because you apparently don’t need tanks or healers if you can kill the enemy fast enough. The same can’t be said for forced 2-2-2. If your team is weak on a role, you can’t take over, you’re stuck.

OP mad that the person using his QP game to learn Ball wouldn’t switch to Reinhardt. So mad that he makes a topic on the Blizzard forums. And he tries to conflate one tricking with throwing.


I wouldn’t say the ratio is like that, at least in my experience. More like 50/50.

If you want to give up in QP, that’s fair. That’s what leaving is for… I had so many people just afk or dance emote in spawn while saying “what’s the point?”. Every time my teammates said to them “why don’t you just leave?”, so they wanted to keep trying.

It definitely happens, especially if playing in groups with big SR differences. But it’s not a certain thing. But I just don’t understand why you would call for your team to give up, instead of just giving up yourself, which is entirely your right to do, and leaving to find a better match.

I’m sorry… I feel the most comfortable on a few select heroes (unfortunately)

Unless it’s Tanks then I have no problem switching


  1. They had to wait a long time to get into a match. I’m playing the hero I want.
  2. How can I learn the hero on maps they aren’t the best on if I never play them there under the assumption “they don’t work” when they can in fact work in the right situation.
  3. How can I learn my hero’s bad matchups to get better if I don’t play them in those situations? How can a Pharah truly be a good Pharah if she hasn’t practiced vs hitscans?
  4. it’s QP this is literally the place to go practice

Personally I would just try to have fun and do the best you can. Even a losing game can still be enjoyable at times.

This all sounds lovely, but having a OTP on your team in a game like overwatch is the least of your worries.

I’m pretty sure that every other player on the team isn’t playing ‘perfect overwatch’. The way overwatch is now you don’t just auto lose at the hero selection screen. You are way more likely to lose because:

  • Nobody communicates

  • they commit to using ults solo

  • they trickle in one at a time

  • you have dps mains trying to lock hog and mess around for priority passes

  • legitimate throwers/derankers

  • leavers

  • hackers

  • smurfs

  • new players

  • people who only play twice a month

  • players who only pocket/heal/peel for their friends

  • All the ‘diffs’

  • and the list goes on and on.

Having a OTP would be at the bottom of this list for the reason you lost.

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Sure I do. We just fundamentally disagree that “trying a bit” involves optimal hero picks and not just, you know, playing the game with whatever hero you want to play to the best of your ability.

It’s also in another thread. Stay and wreck your MMR, do it hard enough and you’ll likely be the one doing the steamrolling afterwards.

This is Ashe


Once you’ve peaked on her and you start seeing a lose streak coming, proceed to one trick Sombra and have fun while riding your MMR into the ground.


After that, you can go one trick Mei for a while, then go back to Sombra.

I’m a Sombra main, that’s the only way to play :slight_smile: If you can make it so the enemy doesn’t feel like they’ve won, all the better :smiling_imp:


My QuIcKpLaY mMr Is BeInG rUiNeD bY tHeSe OnE tRiCkS

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