QP Shouldn't Be Excuse to OneTrick or Throw

QP Warrior here: throwing is unrespectful indeed. But I’m fine with people one tricking or training new heroes, as long as they normally play to win.

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Sadly QP is never going to be good ever, besides when Comp didnt existed.
Why? Because you cant get player’s mentality and behaviour to be a certain way in a non-ranked mode.

There will be people that will try their best and others that will just “OMEGALUL” and do things like “flanking rein” or “full battle mercy” because of their entitlement. The old “I paid 40 bucks for this game and I can do what I want”.

Its lack of respect for other’s people time basically and surprise surprise : You cant do anything about it, besides getting friends online or using LFG ( LOL @ this one )

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If people are that bothered by it, go to comp or LFG.

QP is a mode for practice, to mess around and relax while still doing the game objective. That’s always what QP been.


Well considering how these 2 things can mean the exact same thing, I fully have to agree. Now there are situations where one-tricking doesn’t fulfill the pre-requisites of throwing and in these cases it’s very fine to play like this, but in common situations it does fulfill the pre-requisite of throwing in which case it becomes a reportable thing, because gameplay sabotage isn’t dependent on the intention of said players’ behavior as it doesn’t dictate the nature of that behavior which is dependent by the end-cause of said players’ actions

Everyone should play the game properly for a win regardless of whether they’re playing QP or Comp, because these gamemodes share the exact same rules of acceptable behavior with the only difference being that players are way more aggressive with reporting than they are in QP, which is completely their own personal choice

I for certain do report behavior that is clearly nothing but “having fun” at the expense of the team and has concrete ramifications for everyone’s gameplay experience. Nobody needs that burden and it ruins everyone’s fun out of the game. It’s these exact games where after watching someone throw for a round of KOHT, half the team leaves at the end of it and for a very good reason too

That being said I would never report someone just because they don’t pick the hero that I’m expecting them to pick. As long as they’re not playing some of the worst possible heroes they could for the scenario, all the rest of it is fine

Throwing is always wrong, obviously. Onetricking is not bannable, as clearly stated by the devs, but can be annoying to deal with. I wished that my co-support was capable of playing more than just Lucio so many times, but hey you gotta work with it. :sob:

But the thing is, onetricking really isn’t that different from playing only a certain subset of a role, when you think about it. At least in the type and amount of annoyance it causes. I could be a pro Junkrat/Doomfist/Symmetra player, so I’m not a onetrick by definition, and I’d still get yelled at the moment they go Pharah/Echo. So the versatility in hero pools that’s actually needed to avoid annoying people and “throwing” their games is way bigger than most people think. :sweat_smile:

So because of that, I settle for people just trying their best. Makes us both happier.

I mean we don’t need to, if you one trick Mei the likelihood of you playing in my matches where people know how to swap and can play other heroes extremely low, our sr range differentiates massively, that explains why I’ve never seen you in any of my qp matches, but the devs have said they are open to bringing them back no matter what one tricks want

In my opinion I would rather have fun on the hero I want to play than try to force the idea that ‘winning is fun’.

I would rather have fun playing a round of QP on hammond than play rectangle man because my team doesn’t want to position properly.


Are people really getting upset over what others play in QP? :woman_facepalming:


One big flaw in your argument mate. Experience.

If I have 500 hours on hog and get pressured by my team to play Winston which I only have 10 hours playing, would playing a hero I have basically no experience playing not be considered throwing?

If a junkrat main locks widow I would consider that a bigger throw than them actually playing spamrat to their full potential.


I would rather have a player play their OT hero well enough than have them play a hero they are not familiar with.

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I necessarily wouldn’t and if others wouldn’t either they could never accumulate 500 hours on Hog and 10 hours on Winston which is why the game needs incentives, if even drastic one’s, to promote players not to trap themselves. Nowadays one-tricking isn’t that big of a deal because the balance of the game is finite enough for a variety of heroes to be viable, but back in the day some heroes couldn’t even touch GM because of how much worse they were objectively. Toxic hero favoritism from the devs after all is probably the biggest reason why the game never made it any further and why players uninstalled the game when they couldn’t play their favorite heroes without intentionally throwing matches just so they can play those heroes. If I felt like playing the game this way instead of ruthlessly flexing, I would’ve uninstalled years ago because I couldn’t bear the guilt from constantly having to do this :confused:

As someone who plays all the roles and more than half of the hero roster on a regular to daily basis, I have no problem with one tricks as long as they play their OT hero well.

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Of course nobody has any issues with players who play the current game well. Duh. Nobody’s exactly complaining about Ana one-tricks. The issue arises when that hero is horrendous for the situation and doesn’t work at all and the team would lose even if all the 5 other players suddenly started flexing and playing a comp around them. That’s what happens in most scenarios where someone is one-tricking and suffers within the match and a bad matchup

Sometimes I really wanna play what I want…game should be fun. It´s not one tricking and it´s not throwing.


A good OTP can make it work regardless. The OTP’s you describe are just bad players in general. Good OTP’s can switch to a variety of playstyles to counter the enemy, bad ones can’t.


It doesn’t work that way at all. Having the capability to switch playstyles is what I already expected even from those “bad ones” that you. They too can switch their playstyles accordingly. The “good ones” are not different from that. What you’re trying to describe is an unicorn that is a nice tale, but not real. This is why OTP’s get walled off from victory in certain games and cause the loss for their team through their choice of hero

But like I said, not all heroes are built equal and heroes like Ana exist that due to the toxic hero favoritism from devs is a hero that is all around a great pick regardless of the comp you’re playing her in and you could do this with since their weakness is essentially opponents coordinating a dive on her, which can be prevented by the team. Also it doesn’t mean that someone can’t climb up as a OTP because even if they can be forced into a loss because the opponents might not take advantage of it or play another comp or the map might be different or they also might have an OTP or basically any other factors that are included in variance, which might give them the chance to win the next 2 games for a positive outcome

However all of this doesn’t still eliminate the games where someone one-tricking a hero costs the team the game or otherwise causes a burden large enough for the team that they end up losing the match. These games still exist, regardless of the games where this doesn’t happen. They are not mutually exclusive and there is no sudden “git gud” answer for the issue unless players can magically gain 500SR worth of skills, which they can’t

“I JusT WanT To HaVE FunZ”

“ItS Juz Qp”

“Ur SwEaTy Go tO CoMP NeRd”

“I BoUGhtZ DaZ GaMEz I WuLZ PlayZ itZ LikEz I WanTZ ToOz”

All true yes, because actually playing a competitive game to you know, win is somehow not fun :roll_eyes:

Hate the player, not the game sometimes.

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I don’t need an excuse to one-trick. I do it anyway.

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I agree. MMR range for QP is way too wide to invest yourself into a match. Often the difference between the two teams is such that you’ll lose regardless.

Two minutes into a match, you can already tell if the difference is too big, and that it’s unwinnable no matter how hard you try. It’s better to end the match at the first point and move on. Nine times out of ten your call would be right. Sure, there’s a chance the game will be turned around but as i’ve said, that’s just a slim chance, nine times out of ten, you’d be trying as hard as you can, only to end up getting crushed anyway. Just let it end, and hope the dice rolls in your favor in the next match.

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a big reason why i am low elo is that i usually am stubborn to switch off the hero im playing. i usually try to BEAT my counters. doesnt matter which hero i play from the pool of heroes i play. when i pick the hero i usually stay him/her the whole match. reason why i quit playing comp i guess, i want more of a casual experience so i play quick-play