Stomps are extremely common. There’s a matchmaker, but it seems to operate in the opposite that a matchmaker does, in that it seems like it purposely puts two teams of VAST skill difference against each other to encourage stomps and matches that end very fast. In fact I’m almost certain this is what it does and this is what they designed it to do in QP so that it’s “quick” play.
People think it just doesn’t bother much with making balanced matches, but I think the QP matchmaker is designed to make unbalanced matches on purpose so they go by faster.

About 95% of my wins are stomps and the same for losses. When I win, I barely have to even try. I could play with only one hand and still win, and go afk and type a few paragraphs to someone on Discord multiple times during the match and we’d still stomp the enemy team. The enemy team has literally no chance no matter what they do or how many mistakes our team makes. Every ult basically does nothing, every tactic fails, nothing they try works no matter how hard they try.
They’re doomed from the very beginning of the match to lose, it’s set in stone.

And the losses are the opposite. I can sweat my absolute brains out, try every single trick I know, counter swap like crazy, coordinate ults, sneak behind the enemy team and try to take out supports, everything, literally everything I can think of, and none of it makes even the tiniest dent whatsoever. We have no chance, no hope, and there’s no point. We can barely kill a single player and almost immediately die any time we engage, no matter how we engage.
We’re doomed from the very beginning of the match to lose, it’s set in stone.

Yet even with matchmaking being this lopsided and frustrating in QP, any time I type “bg” or complain about the stomp, NOBODY is EVER on my side. Not my own team and certainly not the enemy team. I’ll immediately be slapped in the face with “it’s just qp lol why are you whining” or something similar, and basically be told I shouldn’t care about the match, the outcome of the match or the experience in the match because “it’s just qp”.

Enemy team is always super happy to have been handed a win for free, but think they earned it 100% and it boosts their ego (to the point they’ll occasionally “ez”, “zzzz”, “ur trash”, etc), and my team literally just doesn’t care at all whatsoever. Utterly unphased that they were locked in spawn most of the match, couldn’t care less about the outcome of the match or what happened in it, and most likely put only 20% effort into attempting to win because they legitimately do not care if they win or lose.

But then at the same time if I type “gg” in the middle of the match, my team immediately turns around and blames me for us losing. They immediately say I’m throwing, point out my stats and call me trash, and say they’re reporting me.

It makes no sense. I don’t understand the point of the mode, and I feel like I am literally the only player in literally the entire playerbase that wants QP to be balanced and hates stomps.

“Kobol stop whining and play comp instead it’s better”
No, it’s not, because I’m Gold. It’s just as bad if not worse than QP and stomps are just as common if not more. Gold is where pretty much all of the smurfs congregate and an actually fair and balanced match is just as much a unicorn as it is in QP. I’m just forced to play the same match twice and get stomped or stomp even more.


Blizzard’s business model has been Stockholm syndrome for years.
If you give a rat a treat for shocking itself it will shock itself willingly and often.

The solution is to buy more blizzard coins.


Except you don’t even get rewarded.
You get stomped and then think “ok well next match will be better, right? because this one was so bad surely the next one won’t be and i’ll get a better match”, and instead you just get stomped 3 more matches in a row.

There is zero benefit to actually sticking through a stomp and not leaving, there’s only a punishment if you don’t want to put up with it and leave.
Blizzard treats us like an abusive pet owner. They treat us like garbage and beat us when we do “wrong”, but don’t give us anything when we do right. There’s no winning.


This is what gets me, why don’t they just go play arcade if they really don’t care? Or just stop playing any kind of pvp team game entirely. Makes no sense to keep doing it if they’re sober, so… maybe that’s the problem. Drug use.

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I used to play QP always, Im silver in comp (30h or less). I play with/against diamond/plat most of my games and I fed up. This season im playing only comp bc QP is not equal, is a rank mix of ppl stomping…

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The QP quality has been blatantly bad lately. If they are thinking they can manipulate players with their EOMM, they should realize that people don’t feel good when they stomp the other team and they feel worse when they are stomped. I guess the goal is to get people to quit their game.

But seriously tho… Why do you make so many posts?

Nothing I have ever figured out from this company has ever been truly “positive” since the Acquisition of Blizzard by Activision.

When they took over WoW and the rest of their games. Their business model turned into “lets drive the player to be competitive with Toxic nonsense, so we drive competition”.

it was like that in WoW with battlegrounds. Its like that Here. When we could finally tell that Bobby got his crummy hands on the game and pulled it away from Kaplan.

Yes, Kaplan was a Miser in Everquest, but he wasn’t a bad decision maker. Looking at his WoW questlines and everything about what he did. It wasn’t all bad.

When it appeared to have him being “bad” is when Activision first bought the game company and they spent all the time trying to commercialize Arena PVP just like they tried to with League.

Nothing directed by Activision or people associated with Activision have ever been about

1 ) Fairness
2 ) Fair counterplay.
3 ) A good moral compass.
4 ) A solid design that has equal gameplay on all sides.
5 ) The use of common sense.

and yes. I can remember when they put in 20 MINUTE leaver penalties for WoW battlegrounds. Which again, amped up the toxicity on purpose, even MORE.

Activision and its remaining staff, have not been a positive impact on the Core blizzard fanbase or its community and it’d be nice if they would scrub that attitude and go back to the original days of what made this company the most respected company in the gaming community.

and let us not forget just how many Acquisitions by Activision that they burned to the ground, and how many losses they suffered because of buyouts. So yeah, it has a track record of being pure garbage and its a shame Microsoft wouldn’t just let the Activision boat sink like it deserves to and give Blizzard its old place in the universe back.

Nice spam. You post this in all of my topics recently.