QP Is A Nightmare

You can’t even practice in it. Every single game is determined by Supports. You either get rolled or rolled.


Eh, I see tank diffs, DPS diffs, support diffs and outright team diffs. QP has lots of variety that way. Hooray!


I haven’t seen a single Tank diff or DPS diff in the last 10 games. Every single one has been a Support diff.

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regional differences lmao. Here is mostly tank void.


I agree. Also, I don’t seem to have nearly as many completely one-sided matches as the average forum poster says I should. Some, but not so many that I’d come here to complain about it.


Define practice….cause I fail to see how rolling has anything to do with that…not like that doesn’t happen in comp

Got a replay as an example?

I honestly feel like people have forgotten that the game in inherently win/lose and just attribute all losses as “stomps”.


Well, here are a few scoreboards for people to have a look at.

A Corridor Royale game


I felt that this match was a DPS diff. That Zen was a Mercy until the final moments of the game. Their Widow was outsniped by our Ashe and Mei. All I did was plonk down a barrier and wrack up some meaningless dmaage done numbers by playing rock 'em sock 'em robots with their JQ who got mopped up once their DPS were mulched.

A Paraiso game


The supports on both teams were equally naff but blue team S:76 just vapourised everything.

A Dorado game


Red supports were easily the strongest part of their team, but in the face of Zarya their backs snapped trying to carry their allies. RIP.


Nah, thats just matchmaking working to maintain win rate thresholds as designed .

Theres other factors that contribute… but matchmaking is what ultimately causes it

I attribute a Route 66 game where the defending team got 0 kills as a stomp tbqh.

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I attribute this to a one off example rather than the baseline standard of the “stomp/stomped” in the frequent average game claim.


Go play against AI if you want to practice, quick play has become competitive 2.0 since the new leaver penalty

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I just see a lot of bots. Either ai or equivalent sub-human players.

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No duh. You are playing a hero you suck at to try an learn them and forcing them in situations they might not be good for.

You are going to suck suck suck suck suck suck suck for many games trying to learn them until either you learn quickly to bring them up to your other characters or you derank enough you play them at a level appropriate for your character you are trying to learn.

“Play hard or go home”.

Since home was QP. I’ll make ranked my new home.

Ce la vi?

I’ll bite though.

Who you trying to get better with? I got 6 years of experience playing OW and 2 in coach training.

I can give some tips on how to practice that doesn’t involve futile effort in a gamemode you’re probably not ready for yet.

There’s many ways to practice, some good, some not even worth the time, but there is a prefered method that even pros and streamers do to practice.

And it isn’t constantly tossing yourself into QP.

So its not “just QP” anymore?

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For some its “the Practice Range.”

I for one hate the idea of reducing other players to mere target dummies.

Everyone is sweating their absolute butt off in QP. You’ll be playing against premades, people from comp, meta-slaves, cheaters, etc.
They’ll also tell you “if you want to practice go play vs AI”.

Unranked modes are held hostage by people that only care about the Victory popup and nothing else.
I mean I like winning too, but if these people had a button that instantly won them the game they would press it every time because that’s all they care about.


Players in QP want the core experience of Overwarch.

That gets held down hostage by players who have the mentality of, “Well guess I’ll stop playing today.”

People que for QP to “play” and seek others looking to “play”

People looking to “practice” are not seeking “play” then huh?

See how that can be distruptive?

Like constantly putting yourself at a disadvantage thinking you’re going to overcome a crushing obstacle is no way to practice.

I’ve painfully watched players ignore so many basic things on heros, but they claim “its for practice”.

Just no…sit down spend some time warming up shots in the practice range maybe listen to an guide on how to play that hero. Spend half of that playtime you potentially wasted on video reviews.

Like you don’t get better unless you get serious. So if you never take your improvement seriously enough you don’t really improve at all. You just get conditioned into bad habits that’ll make it harder to change and correct, or you’ll always be expecting value on bad plays that are more lucky then they are skillful.

What do I mean by that? In lower levels of play there are far more mistakes. The games are less punishing there is less coordination. If you want to get good you need to recognize how making a single mistake can punish you so severly that you’ll be in need of a different tactic, ones you didn’t practice at all and are not ready for.

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