QP fun? not really

I hope Blizzard can fix the standard vanilla QP game, as someone that enjoys picking up casual games, it very un-fun to have match after match with 2000+ level difference on the teams, each and every time its a no contest blow out.

For those of us that don’t want to play competitive but still want to have fun challenging games, its a complete disasters and as casual player I am logging into the game less and less. Soon I wont play at all, and this seems super fixable.


Levels don’t really matter, that’s just part of an exp system from grinding, not performance. I get diamond borders who are bronze and I get smurfs who were gm.


Nope, they need players to buy smurf accounts so they can have fun without the matchmaker constantly messing up games by slapping gold tanks on your team and gm’s on the other.


Priority queue (pq) is the only thing that makes quick play bearable right now. But it’s not a lot of people playing anymore so even pq games are uneven.

My last play session a few days ago was every other game was pq and I Play tank. Any game that wasn’t a pq was our team getting rolled.

One game on Numbani attack, we rolled the first point and half the red team left.

Then we got spawn camped untill all my team but me left. Then, with the new players, we rolled the red team to win the game.

I’ve never felt so pointless in a match.

I saw another post about how they tried to get a friend to try out overwatch only for them to get thrashed in every match because its no other actual new players for them to play with.

I guess it’s no graceful way for a game to die, but the main game mode, QP is not in a good place. Priority queue is the only thing keeping qp on life support.

They do, i don’t want a lvl 15 to ruin my games with ugly default skins!

I only want to get matched with players owning legendary skins for the hero they play.

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Oh, RIP. I’m quite partial to epic skins and OWL recolours of base skins. Darn. :frowning:

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Same with tracer, epics are better than legendary.

But cmon default skin?
No highlight intro?

If you rob my potg you better have any highlight intro equipped. :sweat_smile:

Like i have this friend, he has over 1000 unopened lootboxes, but not even aü skin, emote or intro for his 2nd most played hero…

6 months ago when I played with my daughter we would always comment if there was a gold or high silver level player in our game with the rest being bronze. But now it’s common for gold + silver + bronze to be mixed in every game. Also those borders which are a mix of gold and silver appear in games along with level 20 bronze.

Something has changed to mean the level range, which was about 300-400 maybe 9 months ago is now 2000+. The interesting thing is that DPS are most closely matched now while 1 team usually has low level tanks and high level supports and the other has high level tanks and low level supports. It’s never been more mismatched in QP in the last 15 months I’ve played as it is now.

I play with my kid also and we have the exact same conversation, it blows my mind that people think levels don’t count… uh really, you don’t get better the more you do something? please…

Love qp! It’s why I play OW.

One Does Not Simply Meme - Imgflip

LOL!!! wp, sir! I really need to get with the show!