QoL Focus? A list of QoL changes

Since the overwatch dev wants to do Quality of Life changes, I have a nice long (and expandable) list of changes that I (and others) would like to see

Improving player base:

  • Daily Quests that require different roles/stats (like hearthstone)
    – Hey people might learn different roles now.
  • Changing the Medal system to be more tuned towards each specific hero and how they compare with the average in their rank instead of a general system towards 3 roles.
    – Less toxicity of who is doing better, and gives better climbing to all hero choices.
  • Endorsements need a more negative effect when a person is neglected. It’s kind of a wasted badge right now.
  • Help solo queuers receive fewer stacks on their team (i.e. solo ladder)

Improving Gamemodes:

  • Allow us to bring back a rework in custom games. (i.e. an option for sym 2.0, sombra 1.0, etc.)
  • Make Arcade a list of gamemodes with a number showing the amount playing/queued. That way, people can play the gamemodes they like whenever, and you have the option of pinning modes that you want to bring attention to, and you know what game modes are not popular.
  • Give us an option to disable backfilling games. Or be smarter on when we are backfilling a game, as I hate joining, then losing before my game even loads.
  • Can the custom game options be more UI/UX friendly, or have a search option so we can look up where certain options are?

Improving Cosmetics:

  • Open all loot boxes and give us a list of items that we got.
  • Release more mini events like nana cola even without some lore bit to go with it.
  • Make sure that cosmetics are beta tested before release so we don’t have to deal with things later.

Improving Heroes (combo between balance and QoL):

  • D.va: Maybe just a d.va thing, but could defense matrix be more responsive to when I want to use it, instead of draining a set amount?
  • Orisa: Make sure interactions with her halt and other momentum changing abilities act correctly? Watching doomfists spin a circle is very confusing.
  • Reinhardt: Fix him. Just spend a good block of time making sure his interactions are pristine. He is such a key character, I’d hope that he is near flawless.
  • Roadhog: Fix his hook, please for the love of god, I’ve seen the horrible videos of what it can screw up.
  • Winston: He’s… Ok. for now.
  • Wrecking Ball: Make sure his damage interactions and his knockback is done correctly. Also, make his mines get affected by emp for once?
    -Zarya: Make sure that ragdoll physics objects don’t explode in physics interactions due to a grav surge, as to increase clarity.
  • Bastion: Talk to ChibiFox.
  • Doomfist: make sure that the knockback from his rocket punch is still being applied when a character hits a wall correctly.
  • Genji: He’s OK
  • Hanzo: Some FOV change (only slight) while he’s shooting?
  • Junkrat: Make him a bit better and reward higher skilled pla- wait.
  • Pharah: PTR changes are good!
  • McCree: PTR changes are good!
  • Mei: Please save jardio from an aneurysm. Fix her interactions with shatter, freezing, teleportation, etc. She’s broken in the sense unreliable. The amount of time you spend on Rein, spend 3 times on mei.
  • Reaper: People says he needs buffs, give the poor ghost some buffs.
  • Solider 76: PTR changes are a step in the right direction, but he still needs some more viability.
  • Sombra: You fixed her main bug, so ok. add a sugar skull aboved hacked enemies
  • Sym: Her primary fire needs some more relaxed gaps in ramping and deramping
  • Torb: Make sure his turret doesn’t become exploited before he hits live!
  • Tracer: clear indicator on direction we are blinking
  • Widow: OK for now.
  • Ana: give her some reduced self heal for easier surviability instead of wasting gernade. (she has infinite ammo, why can’t she just stab herself with some)
  • Brig: Indicator of how many people are currently in inspire and rally radius?
  • Lucio: He’s Ok
  • Mercy: Not touching this convo
  • Moira: Can orb just get reset after ult? like, that would make life easier in timing
  • Zen: He’s OK for what he is for.

Anything you want to add, let me know.



Main bug?

Her “Stuck in the wall bug” and “Spinning TL bug” are fixed yes but do you call that her main bugs?

This is a List of all her bugs till 1.28 (Probably will update it in the future) Even more Sombra Bugs in 1.26/1.27/1.28 [With Video's] - #59 by SchWiniX-2357

There tons of bugs that are way worst than the two above that got fixed here just a few examples:

No Detected
Hack takes a little longer
Hack may takes a little longer but it doesnt work anyway
Sombras Long hack
Uhm Translocator your OK
Sombra hack transfer
Sombra Stealth bug

So and now for the rest xD:

Literally agreeing on everything here.

Agreeing with everything here but I don’t think the Point with Backfilling will be possible.

Can’t stop agreeing lol.

They get effected by EMP they get disabled for 10s I think.
The problem is that it’s hard to see the red graphical effects of hack on a Red target.

Also let me add a Sombra QoL change:
Add sugar skulls over hacked enemies.

For the rest I don’t have really an opinion (Basically I think they are mostly good but I don’t really care xD)

So when I don’t get endorsements for being the only one on my team of salty seahorses who actually did something, there should be more of a negative impact?

Hell no

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Good suggestions. Would like to see these and many more. The only one I don’t understand is this:

I just don’t really understand where this suggestion came from or what it would achieve. 150+ hours on Moira across two accounts and I’ve never wanted or even considered this change.

You misunderstand the supposed point of endorsements and how useless they currently are.

They really are useless, but I also don’t want a serious negative impact when I don’t get any.

It feels good when I get some for doing well, or filling spots when a role needs filled.

Ult duration is 8 seconds
Orb CD is 10 seconds
A usual tip for moira is to orb before ult just to squeeze extra healing or damage, and then it is basically off CD by the time ult is over (but not exactly).

Again, QoL, just lines up CD/Duration better.

Sombra could use a visual on hacked targets.

When she hacks enemies, a sugar skull appears above their heads.

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I remember a lot of people complain about the whole 180 TL bug, and that got fixed… Any hero is going to have slight bugs due to lag/ping/other events… and that just has to be refined and tested. That’s what I meant, sorry if I angered the sombra base.

Like, I know when I hack something the skull appears, and then they have the red loops, and I thought others could see that too? or do you want something more vibrant?

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  • a “Wait for me/I can heal you” voice-command, with proper “blizzard polish” this time
  • lock-on abilities that require LoS to be a bit more lenient (especially stuff used on allies e.g. harmony orb, particle barrier)
  • A sugar skull above hacked enemies. I’m sure they can make it fit with other stuff (harmony, discord, ult indicator). Possibly add automated voicelines from Sombra (fun fact: the robots in Uprising actually already showed the existsence of this tech)
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Guess a lot of people want the sugar skulls

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You didn’t Im sorry If I sounded angry its just that there a worst bugs then the spinning bug.

Now tell me how many times you saw that mid-fight and focused that target.
I think you can guess the problem.
Yes there is a skull but for less then a second and for the loops its red transparent and small on a red base (enemy outlines).

Now compair that to Zen’s orb. Big purple and above the enemies.

Sombra’s hack is really hard to see mid fight for somebody in her team and there are so many people that are not in voicechat that Sombra players have a really hard time.

Also compair hacks color to other abilities in the game. Moira orb for example purple for teammates and red for enemies. The same goes for most abilities too just not hack red for teammates and purple for enemies. But why?

The cooldown for orb is 10 seconds, and the ultimate lasts 8 seconds. I think this doesn’t really matter

Could Moira maybe get a UI similar to Zen’s when she uses her primary healing? I have awful depth perception and I struggle to tell if I am healing someone I am trying to heal. Even if it just displays the usernames/hero names and not the health bar.

I really don’t think this is a QOL change. This is more of a decision-making thing that’s up to the player, not the game. You have to make the decision to orb before you ult with the fact that it will take slightly longer for orb to come off cooldown in mind, which is so insignificant I hardly ever (I dont actually think I’ve ever had a problem with this) notice it anyway or have a problem with it. You’ve already just finished ulting, in which you should have been dealing a lot of healing/damage, so the additional healing/damage from an extra orb is really not needed. It just… I don’t know how else to put it, this change isn’t needed.

I mean- I could argue this among the same lines that your dash resets when you ult as genji. I know it is not the exact same, since you use dash during your ult, versus unable to use any ability during moira’s ult, but your idea of it can be seen.
Genji players have to make the decision to use the slash to gain the value with it, same with moira orb before ult.
again, it is somewhat insignificant, but it is there, therefore can be a QoL change.