Put Reaper's Normal Voice in all Modes (775+ Likes)

Honestly if this doesn’t happen I will cry. Do you really want to make a lady cry, guys? Because I will. A lot. :crying_cat_face:


HONESTLY. That would be amazing to have on those two skins!

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Signed! I concur. It’s a good idea to attach the new voice lines to the skin.


I support this suggestion. I got 24 skin expecting to get young Gabe voices, but it was disappointing to hear edgelord again.

Anyways, I’ve read some people say it’d be too confusing for new players (like how they got rid of young Hanzo voice), but there was a following idea on reddit by someone:

Making them optional. So for example, it could be disabled by default but players like us who aren’t new will turn it on. Much like how different languages work, giving us option to use skin specific voices only in our client won’t screw anything up.


So as I was playing the event I decided to cycle through Reapers voicelines to hear them in Reyes voice and it looks like some of the files are still missing as some of them do not play. They’re still completing it but I have a good feeling that it’ll come eventually


This is something that I’ve wanted since release, but I figured it would be very inconvenient to revoice all of Reaper’s lines. I was so happy to hear his voice lines without his edgy tone but disappointed to not see it outside of the Archive game mode. Please make it possible Blizzard. Definitely signed.


100000000% agreed, the dub is already implemented, the two skins would fit it so well I really hope they do a quick fix patch to add it. It’s what I’ve wanted since last year.


I support this. Justice or we riot!

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I was literally saying this all last night, do it please!!!

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It’s been said countless times here already but I wanted to throw my voice behind it too… Yes Blizz, please add! :grinning::ok_hand:


I upvote this idea and love it.


Please, we need this

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I think they will add the new voice after the retribution event is over. They even recorded his event voicelines so that’s a confirmation for me that they will add his voice to the 2 skins. Just wait.


me and my friend were in love with reaper skin, and so hyped when we heard his human voice in arcade event, but then we went to QP and our dreams were shattered :frowning: that’s not cool, while we talk about reaper, they should also consider human voicelike for young genji skins :frowning:

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I don’t have the new skin but noticed they recorded the voice lines with the “old” voice. I thought they would also do that in qp with that skin… Hope they add it and also for Blackwatch Reyes skin (seems a nobrainer to me ^^).


My friend wants this so might as well support this thread for him, lol.

It’d make sense for skins where he doesn’t have his barn owl mask in, like his Solder 24 new one, and his old Blackwatch one.

I just don’t want this to lead to like, Voice Packs now being another darn cosmetic option in Overwatch. Paladins has them and I’m not too found of the concept of another money sink.

Also some skins do change voice lines, like “The Iris consumes you” when using Zenyattas halloween skin for example, so no reason why the voice can be programmed to overlay when using Blackwatch or Soldier 24.

Also while we’re here and talking bout Reaper additions, can I shamelessly promote my Pink Reaper suggestion? Wanna get this roating again as well, did well on the old forms, havent had much luck here though, yet.

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I was really hyped when I heard all the voicelines in the Reyes voice… only to be kicked in the face in QP when it was still the Reaper voice.


Sold 24 and blackwotch Raies must sound like normal humans. You and Keith Firgusson already done very big work and I understand how hard to voice hero again, but I also know all things you are doing looking such high-qualitied and finished. So here is it. Finish sold 24 and Raies to make them queetly brilliant.


im pretty sure its a bug or just not implemented yet to his old skin. blizzard wouldnt ask Reapers VA to reread his voice lines for nothing as you can clearly hear him say his “human” Voice lines just fine during the PVE Event


It’s a change so simple yet so good that I really can’t fathom why Blizzard hasn’t done it already.