Put QPC in the QP tab

This. I pretty much never play the other modes in Arcade, that is about the only thing that has brought me there other than PVE events.

Even I’m pretty sick of this from them.


Free up space for no limits to be a permanent mode!
Or maybe they can add an ow classic mode idk


All they need to do is change the size of the game tiles, re-arrange them in Arcade and poof! Done. You could have every game option available all the time.

I think the reason they don’t do this, is to not get anyone too bored on one mode. You rotate them and people leave and come back. More engaging. But that’s me.

I agree for the majority of the modes but no limit was kind of like qp classic classic in a way. It was nice to be able to just hop in and play all torb if the normal games aren’t great

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Holy crap why do you care?

If QPC remains in arcade, you get lootboxes more often.

If QPC comes to the main screen you gain nothing.

This is purely about ego and being smug about thinking QPC is the “correct” way to play the game.

Get over yourself.

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Well but now the question is another one… What modes will be the permanent one now? :thinking:

believe it or not QP is meant for practice and arcade is meant for fun now that OQ is a comp mode it makes sense for QPC to no be in arcade anymore by their organization method but no RQ QP would make no sense


oh yeah they are doing a fantastic job at that…

I want no limits on the quick play card though

Actual QuickPlay IMO

No. Make QPC the actual QP and put no limits as QPC. Then make an unranked mode with comp rules and actual best of 3 mechanic so you can have your “training” for comp. Let QP be, you know, quick.


“Have fun” still doesn’t mean go full potato. You don’t have to run the meta, but do switch if you’re countered all the time.

As someone that spends a lot of time in the arcade, it would be really nice for CTF - an actual staple of the FPS genre - to have a permanent spot and not be in rotation with novelty/joke modes like No Limits and Total Mayhem.

My friends and I like to switch between Mystery Heroes and CTF, so regularly having no CTF options available is just a bummer.

Not that many ppl play ctf, where a mode like mayhem is super popular. But still, id rather modes be around more often, when there is nothing messing up arcade, most modes are there every 2nd day. Problem is when 1 event type mode is there suddenly its every 4 days, 2 slots taken up and its down to like once a week if lucky. Id like event comp modes to go under comp tab now, for the 3 weeks they are here, and qpc under qp tab.

No. Let me farm my lootboxes with it.

So we can farm loot boxes
Edit: omg I have a twin!

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Nah, keep it the way it is. No one likes normal QP, 5 DPS clown fiesta.

We all know they’ll never answer that question. I don’t know if it’s die hard trolling or if they’re just delusional.

if by “normal qp” you mean pre222 qp - I and many many others have many openly stated our preference for this mode over 222 qp many times in these forums

I see this phrase used to describe role-less queue modes quite often, and never understand why.

I see 4+dps in roughly 1 in 12 matches, and its never a problem when it does happen

I see nothing that could be reasonably described as a clown fiesta in role-less queue matches

Yeah, maybe the few frequent forum posters who are against it posted many times that they dislike the mode but if you queue up for it you get a role queue QP game far faster than an arcade QP game.

I see it constantly, luckily not in role queue QP.