Put QPC in the QP tab

Now that OQ is an official Comp mode, it makes no sense as to why its QP counterpart remains in the Arcade.
This would be like if RQ QP was in the Arcade even though RQ is an official Comp mode.
Please put QPC in the QP tab :wave:


Even better, get rid of qp with role queue, there’s no point in having it when ppl go to qp to have fun, not run meta.


You do know ppl can have fun playing meta, also can have fun playing non meta heroes in 2/2/2. The structure they are balancing the game for.

Tho I do agree with op, makes sense to be there now, and free up an arcade slot.


As much as I love old QP, I think at this point in the game it’s important to have RQ QP, but QP should have a side-by-side tab just like Comp now.
Instead of isolating one, why not just have both? Then everyone gets what they want :+1:


I mean why though? Keeping both means both player types are happy.


I would prefer for them to add both but wouldn’t that create issues with queue times or would in lessen them idk tbh.

We already have both game types. Queue times wont be affected by this.
This is just about moving the tabs to the same area like they did with comp.


Are you sure? Every QP game I get into is full of literal sweats and Olympic gold medalist tracer’s.

The game isn’t even balanced for 222. Hereo’s like sym, sombra, bastion, junkrat and mei haven’t been addressed so they can compete with the “offense” dps.

I have no clue lol i play competitive and custom games that’s abt it.

2/2/2 isn’t about meta.

I rarely see any comps considered meta in QP.

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222 is abt meta that’s why triple tank, GOATS, triple dps don’t exist anymore. It’s a definitive way to disable a meta .

Also note that’s its simply quickplay. I shouldn’t have to wait 10 plus mins for a dps game. Makes sense in comp but qp…


Triple tank is basically GOATS and I don’t know about triple DPS being a recent specific meta (I dunno, I don’t follow them very closely). So really I think you’re talking about GOATS, and yes 2-2-2 effectively killed that, but the bigger point of 2-2-2 is balance.

It doesn’t matter what you do, there will always be a meta. The point is that 2-2-2 in and of itself doesn’t force you to play any meta in QP.

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One would think that they would pipe the different mode’s que times into different lanes. With the amount of players playing, the servers can handle the load.

That’s my guestimation anyways.
(Even though their servers crash all the time. :smiley:)

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it’s not fun when you tried to train your dps/support but every body is dps/support

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I honestly don’t mind 222 but it’s been a year and a lot of the old “defense” dps still aren’t balanced the game is still run by the “attack” dps it’s kinda sad.(with the exception of widow and hanzo)

I’d love to see pre222 qp return to the main game selection screen

qp classic still is different in a number of ways from pre222 qp, so I’d prefer pre222 qp on the main game selection screen rather than qp classic


How is it different?


I mean fun still requires some amount of balance and if theyre only balancing around 222 then we kinda HAVE to stick to 222.