Put Mass Res on Experimental Card Please

yeah well they can at least let people who never got a chance to try it…

I am kind curious what all the halabalu is about—

I think we could use something like: Blizzard would add an option to switch the game into previous patches in the workshop. Would be fun.

As a Mercy main, I highly doubt that mass rez will have any use. There are way too much CC and if your ally is in a bad position to be rezzed, then you’re feeding.

I would prefer her current rez is replaced with burst heal 150 HP on a single target and has a five second cooldown while her rez is only accessible during Valk and has 10 second cooldown with 0.75 cast time and no movement reduction. That way Mercy can only rez two player and I think she could feel impactful but still balanced.

I’ll be the first we don’t get along at most times. but I absolutely agree with you here

I’m all for seeing changes to mercy- but I don’t think this will ever happen.

What I would love to see on the experimental however is to have valk no break beams, revert the mechanics of damage boost, and having her swap weapons faster

no, even one ress is too much, yet alone 5… they should replace it

I’m down to see Mass Res on Experimental. Took me a bit to find this but this is an old revert/rework I came up with. Would be great to see something close to this.

It could probably use some tweaks but I think it’s pretty fair.

this would make devs admit they made a mistake.

OW devs NEVER admit they make mistakes.

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Mass revive was the worst thing to ever be in OW.

It was my understanding that the experimental mode was to test actual changes that would potentially overhaul the game for the better. Not regress to cherry picked terrible states for 1 hero.

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the devs have actually admitted to mistakes many times.

many, many times

recent example, 1 of the many: the fact that they forgot to note that achievements had been added to qp classic


I really love this idea.
I’m 100% confident that mass res would just as, if not more broken than it was when it existed but this is a really fun idea.


Some folks have no idea just how op their ideas are.

This is probably my ideal version of Valkyrie if it were reworked into a normal ability:

-Lasts 4 to 6 seconds
-10-20 second cooldown
-Grants flight, increased GA distance/speed, and increases her beams’ power to 60 or 70 hp/s heals and +35% or +40% damage boost, still single target. Fire rate of pistol is also slightly increased.
-Resets Guardian Angel cooldown upon activation

This would ideally (in this order) be used to:
-pocket an ulting or diving teammate that would normally be out of GA range
-heal a teammate under a lot of focus fire
-yeet away if you’re being dived right after using GA (yeah, it’s two seconds, but two seconds can mean a lot with attacks from multiple flankers/dive tanks put into the equation)
-quickly rejoin the team after respawning (This would somewhat reduce the need for teammates to go back and “taxi” - Mercy could just hold space til she has LOS over the walls, and fly back herself)
-reposition to high ground or utilize vertical cover without the aid of teammates (Possibly opening up room to remove Superjump, as it’s a bug)
-escape and/or defend herself against enemies if caught alone (or if playing FFA Deathmatch as Mercy for some reason)

When talking about buffs, nerfs, and reworks, I think it’s important to discuss the intent and purpose of the proposed changes rather than going into the specifics over numbers - this is why I’m deliberately vague when suggesting changes and instead of providing specific numbers for things like cooldowns or dps/hps, I provide ranges to give a rough idea of how powerful something should be. Discussions of how “overpowered” or “underpowered” something is tend to go absolutely nowhere on these forums because everyone’s perspective is so different - what should be discussed is playstyle and interactions with other heroes/abilities on both teams.

Its not worse than ults that wipe the whole team with less skill. Mass rez is as good as the team getting raised.

As a Mercy Main, no.

I want Resurrect gone from the game, it hinders Mercy too much :confused:

Mercy: Please all die on point and fight as hard as you can
The rest of the team: Stresses out and do their best and dies
Mercy swoops in and…
Sombra says “Hi”
Rez cancelled ult charge at 0 and her whole team fell hard behind (ult economy)

Tempo rez will be still the norm at high tiers

It’d be interesting to return because the game has changed a lot and for the worse without it.

It got Zarya and Hanzo’s synergy nerfed, it killed her epic line, and replaced it with a Mercy both sides rarely been fans of.

It’s a question of what the ult cost is as we get ultimates way less now and how to design it where she can earn it instead of the cop out invulnerability frames.

And this ultimate we have now is better? hah, ok.

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im talking about their changes to heroes.

Or… learn to move on.