A lootbox’s contents are generated the moment they are awarded.
A Lootbox Generated on a previous patch cannot contain items/cosmetics from a newer patch
Lootbox duplication reduction does not affect Drop Rates
Drop rates for different rarities are fixed. The duplication reduction only changes ehat item of a certain rarity you get. Not rarity of item
Event Items and regular Items have seperate drop rate tables
Items in Event Lootboxes are rolled to be either from an event or from the regular drop pool. This means it is still possible to get duplicates even if the only items you’re missing are event Items
One-Tricking is not bannable
The act of playing one hero only is not bannable, the act of being unco-operative with your teammates is reportable and thus, bannable.
Blizzard is not snooping into your private affairs
Blizzard is scouring Social Media(Youtube/Video sharing/streaming websites) for evidence if toxicity/cheating and nipping the problems in the bud, before reports even have to be made.
Do not play competetive if your internet is unreliable
The current system is unable to differentiate between Intentional player-disconnects and unintention internet errors.
You’re putting your SR at risk here, it’s often not worth it.
good stuff, but you might wanna fix “servoce”
edit: you fixed it!
This is a pretty useful thread, we need to keep it alive for as long as we can!
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Update on Forums.
li function is now gone
b is still working
u is still working
i is still working.
Titles can now be links.
And you can type in HTML5 for any coders out there.
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Markdown is supported
do it like this
## Markdown is supported
Markdown tables:
| Heroes | My Kill Record | My Death Record |
| Genji | 2 | 99 |
| Mercy | 46 | 14 |
|Reinhardt| 14 | 22 |
Heroes |
My Kill Record |
My Death Record |
Genji |
2 |
99 |
Mercy |
46 |
14 |
Reinhardt |
14 |
22 |
Markdown lists: do like this:
- Item 1
- Item 2
Markdown numbered lists:
- First item
- Second item
- third item, nested
1) First item
2) Second item
1) third item, nested
Thanks for contributing, I’m afraid I’m not much of a coder but I’m sure plenty of people will find a use for it!
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You don’t need to be a coder.
I give anyone the permission to copy and past the source provided there and make their own content.
You can literally just copy the text in the dark black square and paste it into your thread/replay, substitute for your content and, viola, you have tables, lists, and headers to your liking.
That’s the beauty of Markdown
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Not sure if this is allowed or not, but can this be pinned? I’m sure many people will find it useful to have this information at the ready.
Specifically @linkdude240 's coding stuff.
Your @name mentions are not working BTW.
Wondering what format it’s expecting myself. Would have thought that @linkdude240 would have worked myself.
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That’s a bummer but on the brightside I found out you can place emojis. And there’s a drop down menu for different text options (It’s still a tad bit wonky at least for mobile). So maybe @linkdude240-1984 will work?
Not sure what it’s expecting to be honest. Still not working.
But, I did find that I was able to quote your text after replying to you way easier by simply dragging your “Doc-13759” name into the post editor from the upper left of the post editor; It just didn’t want to go through because
You can't include links in your post
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I just selected your text and clicked on the quote bubble.
Also, Wait you can’t paste links?
Imgur: /a/qxilS
The image shows that you can paste a link.
At least for the title box.
Update : Apparently pasting Imgur links is either banned or Trust earned.
Hope it’s the latter.
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^ Doesn’t want to go through.
However, if you paste that into your post, it will error saying:
You can't include links in your post
However, in the preview area it will display the quoted post, which is nifty.
I also can’t seem to create any HTML5. Which is a darned shame, because the implications are (if I could) that I could make an entire post like a web page.
Also, in my opinion, I hope they let trusted users use JavaScript and CSS.
Would really make for an improvement.
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Maybe BBcode and HTML5 are for trusted users? Where as Markdown is allowed to be used by everyone? I don’t see them implementing JavaScript or CSS but one can hope.
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It’s literally weird. I can’t seem to style any of the HTML5 I can use? Seems like
works though.
<img src="http://i0.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/021/229/ss_(2016-09-04_at_03.45.12).jpg">
It’s an HTML 5 image.
![alt text](https://github.com/adam-p/markdown-here/raw/master/src/common/images/icon48.png "Logo Title Text 1")
Markdown images appear to be working as well.
Hover over the image for the title text to appear
Can’t wait to get on PC to post images.
Did you post the image from your computer as on type out the file name and .jpeg? Or did you do some other method?
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whoa you guys are wizards. i thought we couldn’t post pics yet.
Check the edit; HTML5 seems like a filtered subset of HTML5; for instance I can’t set the title of the web page, as that would obviously let me just hijack this page, which is no-good, let me see If I can come up with a good example in a Brackets project and get back with you.
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This new forum is the greatest yet!
Apparently Gifs don’t work so well. At least not with the ‘img’ option.
Thanks for letting me know @linkdude240
Not a problem. Maybe a good bug to file in the #bug-report
If you can reproduce it it would be good to include source code.