Public Apology: Role Queue has hurt this game

You know that you are supposed to flex within your own role, right?


Teams with 4-5 DPS still happens all the time… maybe even more frequently now. It’s just not as obvious because it’s people playing DPS support and tank.

The description of the role doesn’t matter as much as the playstyle. We’re still getting 1-4-1 and 5-1 comps, and it’s even more frustrating because the extra DPS supports and tanks are less effective at the role.


Noo, its either Zar or widow. And if i die once as zar i gonne play only widow.
Thats how you should play the game


Pineapple pizza is gross. Pepperoni and Mushroom is where it’s at.


If I’m in a DPS slot, god help the team if we need a hitscan hero. There are very different skill sets between the DPS characters. But if somebody playing tank or support is a great hitscan player, I’d gladly swap roles if I could… and that’s what I used to do. So now I just play QP Classic.


I agree that role que created more problems than it solved.



Shhh… They will eventually realize you are being sarcastic

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I disagree completely. My worst role queue comp is better than 4 dps comps, even hog+hammond has been better than Tracer,Genji, Widowmaker, Soldier 76.

I don’t come across any more stomps than I used to either.

The only thing that I dislike about role queue is the horrendous wait times. And it frankly shocks me that they released it without being prepared to handle it after saying they had some tools in the bag to help.


OP sounds like he’s running into DPS playing Tanks/Healers to avoid the queue times.

Role queue has mostly been working for me, But I have been getting them too. Particularly on the Tank side. It seems like most of the problematic players that I have run into are just doing Tanks to avoid the queue times. They main “off” Tanks during these games and don’t play around the map/team requirements - THEY’RE JUST DPS IN DISGUISE

I’ve thought about a solution for trying to dissuade the behavior - and the one that sounds like it would have the best chance of working would be rebalancing for 1/3/2.

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And I hope you are happy there. That’s precisely why they left it in the first place.


The one thing most players arguing against role que miss is that the worst unintended effect role que had is that now the game is actually harder to play. Why is that? because before the opposing team could have a team as bad as yours. Now that the enemy team has a somewhat balaced team, it will be harder to stomp them and win.

Say it with me man: You don’t dislike role que. As most of us, you dislike playing harder matches and losing.


The current balance has hurt the game, not RQ. I guarantee people would be complaining less if the meta was different. and favoured the more popular characters. Aside from long Dmg queues, there really isn’t much wrong with the system right now.

This is coming from someone who was once dead against RQ being added btw. Sorry, but RQ isn’t the reason why you lost.


Im not the one in denial mate, just listed facts, not opinion and you just went full “Bla bla bla I cant hear you” here.
I listed some of the negatives, you just listed “feelings” and nothing else.

Some of us have perspective and can see it clear, some of you cant. Its all there is. I cant teach the blind to see so, keep running blind and believing Forced 222 fixed anything but … spoiler alert :
It didnt :rofl:

You know that is not flexing, right?
Switching from mercy to Ana is not really “flexing”, you are still healing people. What you are describing is “swapping”, which is changing heroes within the same role.

Flexing is the ability to perform in multiple roles at the same level, specially within the same match. That is gone with 222.


Thing is, I still don’t want people who don’t have a feel for tank playing tank. I don’t want people who would rather be playing DPS playing healer because that means they get 1.5-2x as many games over a given period.

The ‘DPS Q times’ problem is going to exist as long as 2/2/2 is forced.

I think most people can agree that having limits to roles so that roles cannot be stacked like they used to (back when quad tank was a thing because DPS were bad; 3 supports where the supports replace the DPS…) and balancing around that is a good thing. What I still don’t like and will never like is declaring 2/2/2 to be the last and only way to play Overwatch. It takes so much strategy away and stagnates the game.

For me, for any “good” (subjective) that came out of forced 2/2/2, there was just as much if not more “bad”, as OP points out. That’s what I can’t get over.


That issue is why my sister will not even play with me anymore. She does not want to play with people who do not want to tank and support and believes it just adds to much toxicity to the games. It is a real bummer because I miss playing with her.

Wait a second. All you said where feeling too. Nothing you said had anything factual to it.

Feeling, nothing to back it up.



Same as above

You got the drill by now?

I will ofc take it all back and be sorry if you could show me something to back this up with.

Na mate, but again, all just feelings, just as if a topic like this is all about feelings… i wonder why.

But hey, nice that you ignored all other points, doing good moving the goal.

But i aint gonne answer you anymore, you sound like someone that is realy unpleasant to have a normal discusion with.

Besides 2 2 2 wont be reverted anyway.


The loose matchmaking is a fact, not a feeling. In order to reduce queue times, they broadened it. Remember when we went from 5 minute queues to instant queues… There you go.


The real question is why would you (and many others) push for 222 so heavily even when you recognize that a flexible comp gives better results than 222?



Role queue should have debuted with a rebalance for 222 and the while you wait feature. If they had debuted it correctly, it would be going over a lot smoother.


They did not want to tank or support alone. :cry:

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