dont forget to link it to me. im interested
Great, we have a comparable playstyle
Now imagine this:
second objective.
Doesnt really matter if youre an attacker or defender.
a fierce teamfight broke out.
someone is using aoe/auto target abilities. Winston, Sym or Torb turret, bionade, rhein and gitte swing etc.
youre in the thick of it or at the side, spraying down a squishy.
you throw your teleporter onto the other side(perhaps a quick 90° Flick to the right and back) and keep shooting for maybe a second.
your teleporter lands, because you didnt throw it high enough, or you didnt use it immediately.
it has existed for 12ms on the ground and POOF.
Its gone.
Winston accidentally toasted it.
There goes your escape.
and its not even like you could really defend yourself or could go invisible without some serious luck or neglectance by the enemy you were fighting with.
my problem is that her kit, especially the teleporter with its GIANT hitbox is already unreliable enough. Giving it HP is just asking for it. It could at least have like 50hp or 70hp … Junktraps have 100hp ffs
youre almost forced to use it like a bootleg tracer timetravel.
Jeff: These changes are supposed to be a buff for Sombra
-Dose literally nothing to improve her power level while gutting the main part of her kit
but … but but… but infinite invisibility, during which you cant do anything… not even properly outmaneuver enemies with the new speed.
and… and we gave her teleporter infinite duration, regardless of its biggest problem being that its unreliable in the first place.
and all you have to trade of is your speed, detection range and sound-stealth.(and yes the immortal teleporter aswell, but that isnt that huge of a deal)
Isnt that a fair trade?!
Isnt uselessly camping the playstyle Sombra mains want?
And even simpler suggestions for buffs?
- Damage threshold for hack instead of cd. Why should Sombra be punished for a Dva shooting at her from afar and it still gets set on cd?
- Skull icon on top of hacked targets, allows teammates to visually see and target hacked enemies.
There are a LOT more in another thread but these are one of the simple buffs that would have helped her.
Those really would help her out immensely.
Any time Blizzard wanted to step in and offer their two cents on any of the much better, actual buff suggestions we’ve made would be spectacular…
It’s been concerning that we haven’t really had no communication from PTR whatsoever. This is genuinely one of the biggest outcries I think I’ve seen in this game in a while
They won’t engage the community because they don’t want to. This is the group of devs that broke her kit to begin with by adding in a 2-second cooldown on Hack breaks without PTR testing first. Anyone with five minutes on Sombra knows that change hamstrung her entire kit, and STILL hamstrings her entire kit.
I accualy think that was a pretty fair change they just would need to make hack harder to break and it would be Fun.
Make the pros panic because Sombra “would be meta, and that is unfun”. Then, they’ll surely listen, nerfing her again.
Personaly I think what we need is just: ●damage treshold for hack. At least 25dmg. 2sec cooldown can stay in that manners.
●Visual hint for the team that the target is hacked. Like a purple sugarskull above them.
●And finally taking damage during invis will just make your lines visible like when you decloak.
All we needed.
Plus bug fixed.
Sombra can be already extremely strong and useful in the right hands. These small changes would only improve their lives. Still keeping her balanced.
No need for infinite timers as it will only increase the number of bad players.
The is not a backline assassin. In that way the best she can do is making the fight 5v5.
Sombra working around the fight can help a lot and cut the fight into two 6v3 easily.
Count agree more If that would go into the game Sombra would be Balanced, Consitend, usefull and Fun to play.
Maybe I’m playing her wrong but I though that staying close to team and hacking Reins midcharge or diving tracers, winstons, genjis etc while constantly repositioning and harassing enemies and doing damage is more usefull.
Personaly I leave the team and the fight only when chasing low health enemies and taking care of turrets, bastions, snipers. And I want to reunite them asap. So fast movement is better as I can get back in few secs.
Especially when using translocator to move as well. It has really short cooldown so you can do okay for that few seconds without it.
But yeah… I guess I was playing her wrong all that time.
We are supposed to be spectators it seems
I really do agree with all of this. The current changes remove not only even more effectiveness from her kit but also significant reduce the fun-factor while playing her too. Ill be very sad that another change has made her even less fun and rewarding to play, let alone ignoring all of the real issues she has in the first place.
Can we at least get the 180 translocator bug fixed before the third anniversary?
I can see the future of Sombra…
New Sombra ability
Replaces old hack. Sombra will now root into the ground being unable to move or be moved. Last until canceled by Sombra.
Invisibility is changed. Lasts forewer and can’t be canceled by damage but Sombra cannot move when invisible.
●Nothing there
New ability replacing translocator. When activated Sombra won’t get any damage from any source for 10 seconds. Cooldown 30seconds.
New passive. Sombra will detect any enemy in the radius of 20m from her position, making them visible to the team. Also heals Sombra over time.
●I can see you
New ultimate. Increase the radius of warding to 50m and can see through walls. Sombra cannot take any damage for the duration. Last 10 seconds. Is charged by the damage the team deals to the enemies in Sombra radius.
●new gun. Does 0 damage and bullets are invisible. Doesn’t break root and Invisibility. Has 10ammo per magazine.
Developers comment:
We are really excited for these new changes that will help Sombra being more effective as a Scout hero. The gun exist as the way to prevent to be removed for the innactivity. We sincerely hope this will raise her pickrate as well.
OH MY GOD DONT GIVE THEM IDEAS … oh wait they never listen to the forums anyway
i was explaining the problems of her new kit to some of my friends i play comp with… and they just laughed and said that thats what sombras do anyway.
first of all… they can go suck it, as im often the initiator of fights and often have gold kills and gold obj kills. and secondly… thats the average impression Sombra leaves for her team … the spectator that gives your team the disadvantage in teamfights… great! lets make her even more of a passiv bystander
I feel like the devs themselves have no idea what is her role supposed to be. We dedicated Sombra players found an effective way how to play her and be actually useful. So they decided it needs to go.
Hell no. Sombra mains can’t decide how to play her.
it really does feel like that, doesnt it? shes the underdog, for which you have to develop a very distinct and flexible playstyle. but you can make it work. but suddenly blizzard wants to force her into a useless niche, even more remote and unwanted than her original kit
Yup. And taking away the pride and satisfaction of actually mastering her and using her kit at it’s full potential.
Man I felt like a king when I managed to survive being hunted by whole enemy team and at the end being able to initiate a fight and shred them. And the pride when my team said that simple words… ‘good job Sombra’
No other hero makes me feel that way.
She is so rewarding and fun when you take your time to learn her.