PTR Sombra: Why we think she's bad EXPLAINED

Thank you mate. I’ll try it.

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Sorry, I forgot I was talking to someone who wants an entire character deleted from the game because they’re briefly inconvenienced sometimes by one of her abilities.

Spread the word, my brethren!

While I don’t necessarily agree with some of your points, I understand them. I was really confused about why sombra mains were so mad about the changes and now I’m not, thanks.

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same … i usually dont quit or throw games. but the new sombra is even more frustrating than the current one. and i thought it to be impossible!

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Isn’t that entirely up to you? In fact you could probably go even more aggressive for longer because you will no longer hesitate when there’s only 3 to 5 seconds left on the timer. That debate on whether to risk it all or play it safe is no longer relevant.

The only thing holding you back will be your health now.

Infinity translocator is a buff (not huge), but there’s psychological moment. We should thinking about one more thing (cancel translocator during the battle if we want throw a new one). This is not easy for new players.
But of course I’ll choose infinit translocator instead of 20 sec because “hard to master” aspect works

and your slow speed… and your high detection range… and the 20m radius alarm sound from your now destructable teleporter… not to mention her low damage, unreliable hack and her painfully slow cloak and decloak and countless bugs

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We were discussing about why an unlimited translocator timer would make a person play less aggressive than with a limited timer. :no_mouth:

Because you have to hide the TL better because it can be blown up, so you’re spending more time setting up.

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Infinite translocator would allow you to be more aggressive if it werent destroyable by the enemy. As it is it discourages offensive usage and straight up removes previous viable locations.

If you have so many opportunities and don’t have time limit you will wait instead of do something.

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The only thing holding you back will be your health now.

All of the things i listed hinder an agressive playstyle, like a genji or tracer could perform it.
many Sombras dont even do the “leave the teleporter on a Healthpack” thing extensivly. it is mostly used for skrimishing and scouting. when you go agressive its often more useful to have the teleporter with you

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Setting up the Translocator takes much more consideration now because it’s destructible, which in turn makes you play less aggressively, as you have to worry about your only escape option which is now unreliable.

No one is complaining about the unlimited Stealth or Translocator time, it’s what we lose in return that’s the problem, and the fact that unlimited timers doesn’t provide any advantage in the first place. So basically we lose a lot to gain nothing.

If Sombra didn’t lose 25% movement speed, wasn’t visible at 4 meters instead of 2 meters in Stealth, could still cap a point in Stealth, could still move around without worrying about her Translocator getting destroyed, and the Translocator didn’t give any extra noise or visual indication, no one would be complaining.


If you’re taking more time, you’re self limiting your own opportunities.

You’re against the clock. Time is finite. Therefore neither TL nor Invisibility are close to infinite.

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Yes, I’m about new players :slight_smile:

Then they’re just learning bad habits that won’t help them win matches.


its stange how so many people in the community actually gave blizzard very good ideas to work with, concerning her balancing and even tweaking of her kit. Month before all this even came up. So many complaints about her bugs and unreliability.

And suddenly Blizzard does something completely unrelated.

Where does this idea even come from that, she would make a good hero to pick for your team, by sitting around like a gargoyle and waiting ages on enemies to pass by. usually you want to stay around your team in some shape or form. maybe behind enemies, maybe flanking.

Since when is a role-forced 5v6 what your team needs… with the slight chance that you mange to kill that widow or zen…
genji is much better suited for that role. tracer is to some extend aswell. both of those can actually act as DPS. Sombra is a support that cant support anybody by camping around

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Perhaps those who can juggle this effectively would become the new stars of Sombra? It would certainly be an impressive feat if you didn’t have to look at the translocator to remove it though. :joy:

True but it’s not like your translocator gets camped 24/7 even on the live servers right? Normally you wouldn’t leave it at any place exposed even on live and if someone dedicated their time to find and destroy it during a team fight, it’s a 6v5 in your team’s favour but we’re pretty much theory crafting here.

Roughly the same answer as above. They probably should increase the health of the translocator to be honest. At least 30 HP so spam damage doesn’t destroy it accidentally. I’ve managed to use it offensively on a few McCrees last night so it’s still doable in the PTR.

Well, yeah if you choose to wait. It’s really just up to you whether you want to wait or go ham. Your decision making skills decide whether you made the right or wrong choice.

I don’t normally leave it on health packs either. It’s just asking for it to be destroyed or camped. I usually leave it behind a wall or a wall on a high ground close to where the fighting is. It’s mostly to bait out flash bangs or genji dashes then come right back to shooting. If I don’t end up using it, I can just stick around the fight, secure with the knowledge that I still have an escape.

Of course, I still need to get used to canceling the damn thing when I want to reposition.

When the sentence is framed like that, I think I can be forgiven for thinking he meant just the timer makes you less aggressive. :sweat_smile:

The speed loss is significant for jumps but since most engagements are close ranged as has been pointed out in this thread, as long as it’s within 30m, the effects of the speed loss isn’t that huge. It would be great if they at least increased her jump distance/speed if the devs really don’t want to make it a 65% speed boost or 6m/s base speed.

I’m very upset about this. Who ever heard of an invisible character being afraid of walking past someone?

I’m hoping the flashiness is just a bug otherwise it’s a bummer. The noise should at least go down to 15m to keep it consistent with her kit. Everything’s 15 about her. :roll_eyes:

I think it has to do with Hammond. I’m making a new topic about it when I get the time.