She was already an assassin, and scout is just a fancy way of saying she does what Hanzo and Widowmaker already do without any kill potential. I made two threads regarding this if you’d like a read:
So there seems to be a big disconnect between the Sombra community and the devs, but these PTR changes have also showed me there’s a HUGE disconnect between the Sombra community and the general playerbase who don’t really play Sombra or fully understand the intricacies of her kit.
With that in mind, I wanted to go through each of the PTR changes, and explain why these changes are bad one by one. I imagine if this thread gains traction, a lot of people will have questions, to which I ask my fell…
Referring to these changes posted by Geoff. For more information on why the PTR Sombra is bad, be sure to stop by my other thread!
To quote Geoff:
Let me go over the good and bad here:
The Good
Detection radius reverted, meaning main paths can be stealth options again
Translocator doesn’t scream “COME AND RUIN MY DAY!” anymore
Solidifies Sombra’s place as a hard counter for Hammond/Wrecking Ball. Actually this may wind up being one of her best matchups versus tanks besides D.Va and her cr…
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