PTR patch: Dive is BACK!

The newest PTR patch nerfs all the bunker heroes,

buffs both the dive tanks (Winston/Dva) AND the tank that keeps dive in check (hog),

Buffs the poster-child of dive comp (tracer),

and restores Lucio’s ability to successfully speed his team past a choke.

It’s a work of art. With these changes, countering bunkers with dive comps will be a viable solution again!


my biggest concern here is…

they literally did a 180° to lucio nerfs, why TF they dont do that to all over buffed dps, or revert some of the nerf to Brig(before everybody get tilted, the only change i want is more hp to her FN shield), Mercy, D.Va, Pharah or Junk???


Dive won’t be coming back any time soon. Not yet at least.


Yeap Dive will be more viable if the patch goes live. I love playing Winston.

Id give it a try. Maybe if PTR isnt enough they would buff more

Maybe in OWL but I just don’t see it being that much of an improvement for the tanks in ranked without longer Matrix and/or armor buffing. They’re still going to be shredded before they can even finish diving in most cases.

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If dive comes back it will be because of the tracer and winston changes. Certainly the most impactful of the changes on the ptr for dive.

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Winston and Dva*
Tracer’s changes weren’t that big.


Agreed 3 extra meters of range before falloff isn’t that huge. Tracer wasn’t the biggest part of dive anyways. Dva Winston and arguably Zen were.


No I mean Tracer not Tracer’s changes may or may not be big but they are more meaningful than’s even smaller changes.

Also range is probably one of the most underrated things in the entire game the ability to fight from more safety is huge. Tracer can now dive in far more safety and her tanks don’t have to go in as far to get her in best fighting range. Its not a gamebreaking change but more safety when fighting from teammates/enviorment is worth more than the rest of the ptr changes.


If we getting dive back, then maybe bring in some buffs for defense heroes who need it. Junk and Brig would be great against them. Maybe Torb can work against dive. I mean who knows what can work against them now. I just want to have better defense in general if offense is gonna have a higher advantage.

I mean meta doesn’t really affect me as a low ELO pleb, but:

  • Winston and D.Va got buffed so will both be stronger now
  • Pharmercy is one of the only combos that you will regularly see at any rank, so Mercy buffs help Pharah
  • Nerfs to Sigma and Orisa reduce the amount of shielding to worry about, so both Zen and Hanzo will be stronger

That’s all 5 of my best heroes getting stronger. Add in that at a pro level Dive is one of the most enjoyable metas to watch, and from a selfish POV this is arguably the best patch in at least the last 2 years!

it’s not that much, especially if you consider the cone of her spread. Shooting further back means bigger spray. Overall it is a slightly small buff.

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Dive will not be back because we still have brig, also reaper is not the bag of trash he used to be, so both Hog and Reaper will be major deterrents to whoever tries to actually dive people. A mid-long range hero like Ashe would round it off, with dynamite and BOB

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Brig is in a good spot. In the trash where she belongs.

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Did the armor nerf get reverted? No? Then dive won’t be coming back. Winston and DVa are still gonna get melted by Reaper in 3 seconds.


Dive needs to make a comeback. Unfortunately I don’t think these changes are enough when cc is still so strong.



Again? Seriously?

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Woah…this is a hefty change.

I’m intrigued to say the least.