“Do you hear that, Mr. Anderson? That is the sound of inevitability… That is the sound of your death.”

Funny part is, in OWL she was kind of bullied out of the game.

As illari/bapt and lucio/LW were rolling around more. While ana players kind of just died a lot, sometimes well before they can land their cooldowns.

In a game that’s very flank friendly now and I’m not talking just flankers, she kind of just falls over to direct engagements and focus fire.

In many cases coming down to landing the sleep being the only way that ana was going to win duels.

That and well she was just nerfed a little abit ago.

No, don’t do that. Then people will complain about the compensation buffs instead of Anti nade.

Well then they can sort out those mundane fine tuning changes after they get rid of the structural problem.

If Ana has time to dps a tank the team fight is pretty much lost already
Also, 140 dps ??? I wish

Its quite ineffective for ana to shoot at the tank, in fact.
But the mythical forum ana does the impossible 140dps i guess. Yet to see one in game, though.


who would play the least mobile hero in overwatch if she didnt get free wins vs tanks?

How much more hero usage variety in the Support Role and Tank Role would there be, if AntiNade got nerfed, but then Ana got generic compensation buffs back to her current power level?

yeah, I mean thats a win for the rest of us


[ANA] So I figured out how to fix AntiNade

Fixing how it feels against "Problem Heroes"

On the other hand, I used to play a lot more Paladins (as a support main) than overwatch, and in that game -every- hero gets an anti-heal effect that stacks over the course of the match up to 90% by the end.

Basically if someone on your team is taking damage, by the end of the game you -cannot- heal them. You get a lot fewer babies crying about healing, more people who know how to use cover, and if your supports dont help shoot things you lose.

Well, if we wanna talk about that.

She needs to be nerfed until her pickrate falls to an acceptable level.

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just press shift as zarya? or you used both bubbles before nade was used?

its nerfed allready…

I guess you’re right, zarya will probably also be buffed Post-Ana

Why ana players think, that can play this hero all the time? Why are they complaining about her survivability? Sometimes your hero is hard countered and you need to switch. I don’t play Winton, when the whole enemy team counters me.

Someone here mentioned ml7. I checked his last streams and he plays ana most of the time, no problem. He had to switch couple of times, but hey, its ow we are talking about.

I play both ana and Winton, and I just can’t play Winton most of the time. But I can play ana.

If you had to rank the Supports on which ones are:

  • The most Desirable to Play As
  • The least Undesirable to Play Against

How would you rank them for your personal preferences?

  1. ANA
  7. LÚCIO
  8. MERCY
  9. MOIRA

How would you rank them by GM Support player’s preferences?

  1. ANA
  7. LÚCIO
  8. MERCY
  9. MOIRA

i challenge everyone who have this opinion play ana on ranked,
and give me atleast 3 replay where u think u hard carry as ana,
no smurfing and give screenshoot of match lobby average rank at start of the match (the versus logo)

The Ana main starter kit

  • I have to aim even though i have 9 targets and a forgiving hurtbox hence im the most skillful. Aim is the only skill
  • Stats (WR and PR) don’t matter. Not Overbuff, not officially provided stats and not even scoreboard
  • I hate Orisa because shes the only one who can 1v1 me in effective range
  • Is in mid-high elo but can’t play as any other character