Is it better to keep the wintmr open while the game is running because I’m pretty sure I took the address from there.
Try using instead.
Try looking at this: pastebin(dot)com/Jfyut3Mr
Also it’s been a while since this issue has been raised, an update would be really nice. I hate playing ana on 100ms ffs.
This issue will not be fixed ever. Just leave the game. I don’t play comp anymore because of this. This issue isn’t big enough for them to take notice of anyway so this won’t be fixed
If you give up, it will never be fixed. Our region may be small and so is the player base but if you say stuff like this, our voice will never be heard.
@yedrellow, when you look at this message, lmk what you think of the trace route I provided in my above post.
Also my discord is Fish#7437 if any of you wanna reach out
This issue isn’t going to be fixed soon. You think they are going to focus on server when the launch of OW2 is only 2 months away? That is their first priority. Either they will fix it after OW2 or not. Just wait for OW2. I am from India too and I am playing at 150
I dont think that will be the case reason being teams dedicated to these kind of issues wont be working on OW2. I’m sure this will be fixed soon, it’s just a matter of time. It’s not a major issue as well, they just have to figure out the reason where the routing issue is occuring.
@yedrellow if you look at this thread once, check out the latest tracert I posted above. Let me know what you think.
I will be honest, I am not really familiar with Indian routes so its hard for me to tell what is going on Xera. I only know the problems with the Australian routes because I can easily tell where each hop is, and because my isp helped me to figure out that google in Singapore is forcing its return path to go via Sydney to Perth. Finding out problems in reverse paths is really difficult for a novice like me.
My recommendation is to show a comparative tracert to an old amazon singapore winmtr and then it should be clear what is going on.
An example singapore amazon ip is:
Edit: I think your problem fundamentally is the same as mine
On the MTR you have you have returns from Kolkata to delhi.
Like Perth in Australia being thousands of kilometres from Sydney, Kolkata is very far geographically from Delhi. Google has the same problem for India as Australia it seems, it is lumping every indian to route via Delhi, regardless of whether it makes sense geographically.
So I think your route is doing the following:
Kolkatta ---- > Delhi ---->(unknown, maybe back to kolkatta) ----> Singapore ----> Delhi ----> Kolkatta.
Before the change it likely went straight to the nearest route without taking a pointless hop back to Delhi.
This is extremely analogous to the problem I have with Perth ----> Sydney ----> Perth ---- Singapore ------>Sydney -----> Perth route.
Google seems to have all their routes to their Singapore server broken from every large country. It just blatantly isnt handling countries like Australia and India that have cities thousands of kilometres from their chosen POI.
Because of this issue I was in a 4 hour queue today without a single match. This is just beyond ridiculous.
That is very insightful thank you for the info.
I was having the same issue ever since they replaced the sever however Proton VPN made things back to normal. I purchase the 5$ per month subscription.
actually yea i tried wtfast it reduced my ping by alot
Unfortunately vpns aren’t working for me (getting some weird packet loss issue through all of them, definitely something on my pc specifically causing it), which is why I am trying to get the routing fixed.
When I launch any vpn (tried both nord vpn and mudfish) unfortunately my ping to google servers in singapore climbs in to the thousands, while with overwatch not launched it shows decent ping. Not really sure how to troubleshoot that to be honest as I’ve tried a lot of things.
A different pc connected to the same network doesnt have that issue (even with the same settings on the vpn), so I am not really sure what’s causing it to be honest.
Mudfish didnt work for me as well. I’d suggest you get wtfast, it has a free trial period so you can see if it works for you or not.
im from perth too and mudfish has been working fine for me. im using the singapore “linode” node and getting about 65-75ms on overwatch down from about 155ms without the VPN
Yeah the nodes work fine, there’s just something weird with my computer’s settings that causes packetloss with every vpn only when ingame in overwatch, it’s on my end, not mudfish’s end, but I can’t figure out the cause
ah i see. hope you can figure it out since it looks like blizzard has abandoned us on this issue
Blizzard never even cared about this issue in this first place. It’s been near a month and we never heard any reply so it’s safe to assume this will never be fixed. Either hope that enough people complain so that they will look into it or hope this would be fixed in OW2. Except these, I don’t see any option
@WyomingMyst I guess this won’t be fixed?
could we get an update mr drakuloth? not too great having to pay (vpn) just to have the ping we should be already getting