PSA: Your stats matter like, 10%

Newsflash, apparently this PSA is severely needed because every other game in plat/diamond matchmaking people are complaining about one guy’s stats or another, or saying that there’s nothing wrong with their gameplay because they have good stats. Your numbers tell a small PART of the story, but are ultimately USELESS if you’re going to ignore the full context.

It’s VERY easy to pad the board in a way which makes your stats appear relatively much better than your teams’, or even than your mirror role on the opposing team, WHILE simultaneously throwing the game.

I get this crap whenever there’s a tank just feeding their brains out, or when an immobile DPS like bastion runs into the middle of the street with zero line of sight as backup and just face tanks damage to dish it out and then die unnecessarily through full port heals.

90% of this is failure to position well, or just general lack of awareness about easy targets slipping through your defenses (if you’re an anchor tank), or how much more effective your enemy team’s dive is when you’re a dive tank.

I make it a habit to quickly type or callout what went wrong at the end of each team fight while respawning. Most players’ (probably 80-90%) ego can’t handle a basic criticism about being over-extended or not paying attention to a certain element. If they decide to lash out, it’s ALWAYS very boring (predictable) and one of the same two things every time (am I playing with NPCs? lol); if my stats are currently a bit depressed it’s something like “your stats suck”, if mine aren’t but theirs are good it’s “bro I’m carrying / doing well etc.”, and the rest of the time it’s demanding that someone swap heroes.

Sometimes hero swaps are a good idea, but it always cracks me up how the game design has sort of tricked most uncreative players into not realizing that if your positioning is way off, or if you whiffed an ult etc. you can just correct that mistake and immediately solve the problem without any teammates needing to swap heroes (to something you’re not even sure if they can effectively play).

If you’re one of these people, slow down for two seconds, stop getting offended, and use logic. People calling out why they can’t get to you or why we needed to collapse on a Genji dive are not out to get you.


i usually have most kills and low dmg as tracer, going for efficient kills.

back pre s9 i sonetimes pulled out soldier when people complain about my dmg.
I just shoot the tank, that big hog vaping 24/7 and not dying? yes me shooting him 24/7.

game ends, we lose, but team is happy, they had a 30k dmg soldier. (doesn’t matter that i am sitting on the same ammount of kills i had as tracer because i didn’t kill anything as soldier. just pumping raw dmg numbers on the enemy hog.

just to show them that dmg numbers are worthless.
low dmg + high kill count is like the best thing you can do. its called efficient. especially pre s9 it was just a support ult farm simulator doing lots of dmg and not kills.


KDA matters, every pvp game ever created uses this metric.

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Matters in the sense that a better one will mean you’re more likely to win

But it’s not used for anything in OW, other than as a reason to start blaming others.


Ever work for big corp? Your yearly bonus calculated in the same way – bigest part is companie’s performance in general and then your personal like 5 - 10% max

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In my opinion : stats can be useful to check after a whole round (during preparation phase).
About numbers :

  • kill, damage, healing are not telling much, except if the numbers are really extreme like one dps having no kills and almost no damage at all after multiple fights, or a support having close to 0 heal when the other one is at 8k.
  • death on the other hand are more meaningful in my opinion if it’s above the average of the team because it means this person is making mistakes leading to death.

Overall I would suggest to completely ignore stats outside of preparation phase and focus on the game, team composition and ult charge.

Just going to link this thread when I’m going 1/27 as battle mercy. Scoreboard don’t mean NOTHING

Any of you ever been on a hot air balloon ride?

I’d argue the only thing that matters is death count, as long as there is actual participation in engagements.

You undercut the arguement of your own sarcasm. “Battle Mercy”, gave it away. 1/27 is also an extreme outlier, the title of my thread did say “like, 10%”. Nice try though.

the only stats that matter are the stats that dont usually show up im ngl, like who died first, whos getting first pick, final blows, how u take engages, stuff like that


Good point, lol this makes me think they should dump the snowflake attitude (letting people hide their profiles and crap) and get a Halo-style announcer. Start calling out first bloods and giving some form of credit for it, have the announcer like mock the person on your team that dies first too, they get a penalty and made fun of lol.

If you pop an offensive ult and no kills result from it within a certain time period, you get made fun of and lose extra rating lol. They should just go psychological and rewards based warfare with it, make people better, find ways to incentivize better plays.

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Stats are actually pretty accurate, if you compare them.

Sure, if your tank has 40 kills and the enemy tank 50, it’s not that important.

But if you see both of your dps have one digit kills and the enemy dps both have 40+ and your tank struggles to get 9 kills, while the enemy team has 50+, that is a common match maker diff and yes, stats matter RELATIVELY.

It’s all about comparison.

Of course you can win with worse stats. BUT, if you feel that your team is throwing or just a hard forced match maker loss, where you can’t win anyway, checking the stats is actually pretty helpful.

In Overwatch 2 even if 1 person throws, the 4 other can still have a decent impact. Sure, winning is maybe not possible, but the stats will most likely clearly show the thrower.
But if all people in a team are much worse stat wise than the enemy, you need at least 3 hard throwers or an ultra hard match maker forced loss.

A top tier widow main or Hanzo main will get kills, no matter what. A god tier tank will always be a top tier tank and you can easily see by the tanks gameplay how good this tank is. And yes, you will always see how good those players are in the stats.

The only difference is in the highest tiers, where not the stats matter and only the successful pushes, but if you would be in this kind of tier, you wouldn’t complain about stats.

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newflash: smallpackages is gonna say sun does not shine. shadow is bright. LOLOLOL

Now what does it mean for my stats to depend on the performance of others? Usually when my tank is not doing great, I tend to struggle and of course can’t convince people it’s not me.

If I can’t poke with Ashe cause their tank dives, or enemy team has combination or all three: sombra, Ana or Kirko.

Then I try to go brawl, but tank is not objective based or it’s not clicking… meanwhile the other dps is popping off or at least is staying alive longer.

What I see most now, and it may just be a short trend, a lot of doom fists. Who is notorious for being a dps tank and less objective tank. It makes it worse to have super mobile supports. So no one is on objective, if I’m caught in the wrong place cause everyone else can get out, I just usually die a lot, and not bring value.

What to do?

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you cannot beat smallpackages trolling tbh. might be the greatest troll to ever lived.

Thank you. That’s a lovely compliment.

But you don’t know your true kill count, I mean “you” probably have a good idea, but the average player has no clue. You can tickle an an enemy and end up splitting that elim 3 ways, each player receiving an elimination for that one kill. I don’t even get why assists exist. The only hit that really matters is the hit that kills them, that’s an elimination. Damage done to that target that wasn’t healed away and that contributed to the actual elimination should be an assist.