PS5 Top 500 Competitive Reward is Missing

PS5 Top 500 reward is missing

I got t500 with tank(122) diamond 4 and dps(332) diamond 5, but as I entered the game I have received only 750 points and no title/icon for t500. I havent dropped out from t500 because I have checked before season has ended and I had moved mb 10-20 positions.

One thing that I noticed that right after I got t500 and were playing exclusively on ps5 - stats screen and search screen were displaying my actual rank within t500 list, but after switching to cross-platform and switching back I got diamonds on both screens(PS5 Pool), but I still was on leaderboards though. As for now I can’t browse leaderboards due to bug with stats.

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Just copying my message again. Thanks for spreading the message. I’ve added your post to my thread Comprehensive Thread Of All Top 500/Competitive Bugs under: Missing Top 500 Rewards (Season 2).

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Unfortunately it seems I was wrong about the Top 500 icon situation. I’ve linked the post explaining it here for anyone in here who wants to read about it: Competitive CTF Top 500 icon - #7 by Brigitte-11594. Much appreciation to everyone who contributed in bringing attention to this issue, but it seems the Devs have made up their minds. Still, I would encourage everyone experiencing competitive bugs to spread the word about this thread: Comprehensive Thread Of All Top 500/Competitive Bugs. It would be much appreciated.

Yes, for icon indeed they have changed the situation, but still no competitive points (1750), no T500 title for a season atleast. Also, I don’t understand, if you have troubles and bugs and can’t solve them right away, why they can’t just solve issues directly via CRM or DB, to help or resolve situation for someone who atleast wrote and documented about it.

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Agreed, even if Top 500 player icons and sprays are no longer earnable in Overwatch 2, the least the Devs should do is ensure that Top 500 player titles and competitive points are awarded accurately. The only thing left to do then is to keep spreading the word about this bug and cause a large enough public outcry for the Devs to notice this issue.

And as for solving issues directly, I’m not sure what CRM or DB stand for, but if its Blizzard Customer Support, then I have a response about that in my thread that might be helpful:

I’m Specialist Game Master Stiltzdajumz, I’ve been looking over your issue about a top 500 reward not being given! I know our queues are a bit longer at the moment, so thanks for your patience while we were getting through to you. So unfortunately we as support are not able to provide these rewards manually, instead this would need to be reported via the following process for investigation: I know this isn’t the same as getting a specific reply from a developer about an issue that you personally are having, it does allow us to get a good idea if something isn’t working by seeing it publicly among other issues on a greater scale.

If that’s not what you meant by CRM or DB then, please do explain to me what those are.

A CRM system essentially provides a central place where businesses can store customer and prospect data, track customer interactions, and share this information with colleagues . It allows businesses to manage relationships with customers, helping the business to grow. And DB basically means Database and direct changes to info within user itself.

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Ah, thanks for the explanation that seems incredibly useful for solving these issues. As far as I can tell, Blizzard exclusively stores their data internally and there doesn’t seem to be a CRM system that anyone else can interact with them through. Not even Blizzard Customer Support have direct access to the Overwatch team. The only way of reliable way of notifying the Devs seems to either start a massive thread on the forums or cause a large enough backlash on other social media platforms. In any case, the only thing left to do is to keep spreading the word about these issues and hoping the Devs eventually take notice of them.