PS5 OW2 Beta "login error" workaround solution

It seems the PS5 version of the beta doesn’t even attempt to connect to the servers. Miscoded.

Instead, if you download the PS4 version, it works.

You can’t choose to do this on your PS5 though, as it locks to the PS5 version of the demo. Instead you need to download the PSN app to your phone, connect your console, then search for Overwatch 2 Beta. From there you can choose the different versions, so select the PS4 beta and through the phone app download it to your console.

This solution worked for me, entered game first try with no login error.

I hope this helps someone.

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This is not the correct forum for feedback/issues. Please use #pvp-beta-bug-reports

Hey Nicole,

That’d be great, but that link doesn’t work and I can’t see that forum from the main forum menu (so also a little concerned how anyone would find it if they come to the forums).

But definitely would like to post this there too. Can you recheck the link?

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The link is correct.

Is this Bnet account you’re posting on the one with Beta access? Logout/login to see if that helps.

Hi Nicole,

Thank you for making it clear you didn’t read my post. I found a solution I am sharing with others.

I did read your post and replies. I was referring to the forum access.

Just FYI: I’m also using the account I bought the watchpack with on PS5. Can’t access your link either - Error 404.
Hope you understand, that it’s getting frustrating not finding official info about this (at least I haven’t found any Blizzard post addressing the problem) while waiting for a solution to appear out of nowhere.

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Relogging on the forum or trying another browser can help.

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