PS4 Tank And Healer Queue Times > 6 Minutes Since Echo

I suspect this is a bug with the competitive matchmaking, but after waiting for 6 minutes to play healer I changed my role to tank only to wait another 6+ minutes for a match. I’m in mid-platinum on PS4, typically I can find a match as tank or healer in less than 30 seconds. It has been this way since the Echo Patch. Hopefully this gets noticed and can be fixed.

I have photo proof of this as well. Is this happening to everyone on console?


Yep I usually 6 stack and since echo using the in game LFG feature that I’ve used since it came out queue times average about 15 minutes. Not sure what it is that Blizzard screwed up but EVERYONE I play with says the same thing. Blizzard has not addressed, or even acknowledged this issue. Makes the game less fun/borderline unplayable. I get about 4 games in 2 hours if I’m lucky. Blizzard DO SOMETHING PLEASE!!! Queue times are completely jacked on console. Prior to Echo a 6 stack from gold to diamond was averaging about 3 min queue times.


Glad to hear it’s not just myself and my friends in NYC. This needs to be fixed.


I’ve also been experiencing the increased queue times on PS4. 30sec-1min times are now ~5mins+ That’s queueing for all three roles. Not just on Competitive either. QP and the arcade modes also seem to take longer to matchmake. I’m not a high SR player either so that shouldn’t be part of the problem. Hopefully this gets resolved soon.


Still waiting on any response from Blizz. Posted on the reddit forums as well. Many seem to have this issue without clear indication why or if a fix is coming.


Please post any info you might find. Seems like Blizzard is more concerned with heroes spawning in backwards than this major issue.


I’ve been having this issue on the PS4 as well. Not since the Echo patch, but in the last few days. It started right after I got plat as support. Usually somewhere around 5 minutes, so not the worst. I decided to try tank today and it took about 6 minutes. Played another and it took 8. Played one more and it took 16 minutes. Made me have to see if I was alone.

And I solo queue, so it’s not like I should be making it hard to match me.

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Interesting that only the last few days. Sounds like a similar experience to me as well as others on reddit have expressed. This is a major issue

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Any better? I played like 3 games, so not a ton, but the estimate times were accurate again. Not sure if I was lucky or if it’s fixed.

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Still not better as far as I can tell. Two games choosing Tank+Support and 6+ minutes for both of them

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I am a mid-gold PS4 tank and healer and my queue times have also been much worse. My queue times went from less than 2 minutes to over 10 minutes. This started happening after the Echo update. Seems like it is a bug in the matchmaker. My friends are having the same issue whether it is solo queue or we are a group.


My friends and I have also been experiencing much longer queue times on the PS4 in mid-gold. We play tanks and healers. It used to be less than 2 minutes and now it can be as long as 10 minutes. This is for solo queue and playing as a group.


Mid-Gold and this has been happening to me all week! Queue estimated times for tank and healer have be less than 2 mins and the quickest game queue I’ve had has been 8mins… The only game mode I haven’t had issues with is Mystery Heroes in arcade. I’m really just hoping it’s a bug that can be fixed quickly and not the game dying…

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It’s not the game population. Custom games are plentiful and other game modes seem better. But role queue is not working properly on PS4

I think I was just lucky when I made my last post. Wait times were back up. Ended up grouping with a buddy after a couple matches. No real difference in queue times, even when he switched from tank to dps. I think we only got one of those in though.

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Yeah, I had two normal ones, and then back to this. No idea what is going on

Where is everyone connecting from? Country/Region

West Coast Canada for me. Ps4.
20 minute 6 stack queue times, 10 minute tank/support queue times.
Been this way since echo patch. And I don’t mean since “around” echo patch. I mean I had almost instant queues for tank and support. Clicked “download patch”. Queued around 10 minutes for tank ever since.

Apparently the devs have made adjustments

Thank you for responding. North East USA for me. Connection has been perfect for all other games. Just the past two weeks since Echo have been waiting for this long for any role.