PS4 overwatch link account to pc overwatch

I did linked my PS4 overwatch account to PC overwatch account, but if i linked the accounts, are my all skins and everything come up same to PC overwatch as PS4?

My friend moved from ps4 to pc, and he also linked his account, but he told me that his skins are not showing up on his pc account…do i have to do something more to bring my skins? i bought the league skins…so i also want to have it when i move to pc overwathc…

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Skins don’t transfer. Gotta get them the old fashioned way on each account.


Son/yMicrosoft get a cut of the revenue when you buy boxes etc on the consoles.
Its very unlikely cross platform sharing would ever happen as it would eat into profits.

As others said, sorry my dude your skins, achievements, level, all of it stays behind on console.

There are exceptions, if you did they HOTS Nexus Challenge (Oni and Officer skins) or have twitch unlocks (Overwatch league tokens, Overwatch pass content and Nano cola, Baset stream unlocks) they transfer over.

Everything else doesn’t.

ohhhhh thats so sad…how about pink mercy?

That doesn’t transfer because it’s purchased on a different platform :confused:

Oh my godㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ thank you very much for your help ;D

It’s absolute BS because they should be able to transfer. The Oni Genji and Officer D.Va skins when unlocked during the HoTS event went to all of the consoles. My GF played OW on Xbone and PS4 and she got them for both consoles. It’s just activision wanting you to spend more money on Lootboxes.

As much as i hate activision and always be the first in line to bash them, it’s actually not blizzard or activision’s fault.

Consoles are closed ecosystems, and sony / ms aren’t going to make it easier for people to move from them. It’s in their best interest to keep you locked in and limit you as much as they can.

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All skins, cosemetics, achievements, anything you get on console does not transfer to pc and vice versa. Sorry

will they ever make it like that or do they do that on purpose to make more money?