PS4 Friend list not working properly

This has been a bug for months now and its really annoying, you are forced to restart the game every time it happens.

Anyway, what happens is that the friend list simply disappears and says that you dont have any friends, and you become unable to join or accept invitations of other groups

Any idea of why this happens? i read a comment a while ago of a person that also has this issue

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I have this issue daily too!!!

Happens to me too. My solution was just playing PC more. The PS4 version is clunky and there’s nothing that can be done since the Devs ignore console 90% of the time

I’ve also seen this happen. It’s not a huge deal for me since I don’t have a lot of friends who play Overwatch on console, but it feels a little harsh when it says I have no friends at all

Specially when its not far from reality ._.

I second this: PS4 friends list refresh bug