Prototype: Workshop functions

Allow us, workshop developers create functions, that we can call inside another rules/actions/conditions.

We have subroutines, but them is like an mixed between thread and functions.

Current limitations from an subroutine:

  • Calling them asynchronously we cannot start more than one at once, so we cannot “spawn” multiple “threads”
  • Subroutines, is a pseudo function that does not accept neither params, neither return value, so make difficulty to implement some macros to do little things.

Proposal is implemeting an new feature called functions.

  • Will work like subroutines
  • Must have an scope, so that function is global? or function that you can invoke in player based rule?
  • Will accept params
  • Will support return values.
  • Can be used to set variables. Global.A = MyFunc(Custom String("Some Arg"))
  • Can be used in conditions. conditions { MyBoolFunc(1, 3) == 4 }
  • Limited to same subroutine count, we have an UI to define function, and their return value.

And extend subroutine features to add multiple async subroutines.

Code Example

    0: myNum

    0: myInt
      0: thisPlayer
      1: otherPlayer

rule("Declare function IsSamePlayerVar")

  Return(Compare(Local.thisPlayer.myInt, ==, Local.otherPlayer.myInt));

rule("On spawn room")
 event { Ongoing Player; All; All; }

  • New value: Local, local variables is referred to function params.
  • New action: Return first param, accept an array or null for no return;
    Return; or Return (Value);

Since we can only have one per player, player variables should do the thing.

I know, but functions allow us create extended workshop actions, to fit more clear.