Pros and Cons for Adding 6V6 back


  1. People would Play that instead of the Virgin 5V5, so all 3 ‘People’ who actually like it would be Upset.
  2. It would take a long time.


  1. I would STHU.
  2. Tanks would be Allowed to Exist.

Feel Free to add to this List.


Con: It would take another 2 years of closed pipeline and radio silence before they reimplement it, given the track record.


Fair, but they would at least have all of those Stats from Years Ago to CTRL C+V.

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5v5 gets rid of 2 overpowered characters in the game :+1: 1 on both sides is more than enough.

WDYM? Both Teams still have 2 Supports?


It would allow for Flashpoint to be more interesting

And the Tank combos would be insane (until people figured what the “meta” is)

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I feel like having 12 instead of 8 Tanks would Present a lot more Combinations.

But Reinhardt + Zarya would still be the Best though.

The role everyone wants to kill first should be more powerful

The game would be trash again.
You and other morons pushing for 6v6 would shut the f up

its not gonan save the game its already to far gone they will not recode the game for 6v6 again

So, the Tank?

Was the Game Ever not Trash since 2019?

In other News, since there are now 12 tanks instead of 8, the Number of Possible Combinations has gone from 28 to 66!

Supports is up from 21 to 45 too BTW.


It might be time to move on to a new game for you if that is the case.

Nah, it’s MY Pile of Trash.

Plus, Exaggeration. I just said 2019 since that’s when the Game Stopped getting actual Updates so that’s when People would probably say it Dropped.


Please understand one thing about the game.

The entire game engine and code would absolutely have to be rewritten for 6v6.

It. Will. Never. Happen. Ever.

OW3 would be the only way and I have the highest doubts MicroActiBlizzard would ever go that route when THIS GAME is barely making money.


I see this same Excuse all the Time and I’m just not Buying it.

They were Making the “nEW eNgInE” since 2019, which at the Time would’ve been Coded for 6V6. There’s no way the Game CAN’T run it, they’re just Choosing not to.

Also, 6V6 Still Works in the Workshop, so it is Possible still.

Also, I would use the Workshop for a 6V6 Match, but no one Cares about the Workshop, you can’t Grand Hero Progression, Challenges or Achievements, plus it’s all Buried in a tiny Little Corner where People can just come and go. I’d Never get a Proper 6V6 Match.



pretty much nothing… it would just be like ow1, which though fun, would not exactly work

Heros would be messed up
Maps would be messed up
The balanceing would be even worse

and also tanks exists rn, if you think they dont, you just suck at being tank :man_shrugging:

Less stomps, more fair matches/match ups
The game would simply be fun again(woah!)


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