Because the average SR is 25 20 is below average. You cannot assume that those 40 games would have been exactly like the PBSR in other games, We don’t even know which games were low PBS are in which were potentially normal. When dealing with unknown variables it’s best to use the average. Either way I clearly address the reasons in my post of why this possibly happens. The post is not about me being confused or not knowing what could have possibly happened to cause this. The post is to prove that this can happen. PBSR are my MMR are unknown factors. I don’t see what’s the point of trying to calculate my PBSR really.
It would not prove anything It’s not already said or assumed.
I’ve already made topics and/or replies concerning the PBSR I get while playing Brig compared to the PBSR I’ve got and while playing Zen. Simply by getting kills with Zen I could get a high PBSR however games where I feel I was equally impactful with Brig are rewarded with terrible SR.
I’m well aware how PBSR works I’m saying I don’t like the system because in games where I can tell I’ve made impact I get low PBSR. I’m not completely clueless to be unaware of what impact looks like either, and PBSR seems to work fine in terms of DPS or Tank or apparently while playing the Zen. I don’t know what it measures for brig but I feel like Brigs PBSR is just at least the style which I play is very underrated. Whatever statistic It is measuring It is obviously not one which I feel important. I play brig as more of an assist type character, and that’s the way I find it I get the most values through assists and displacing enemies and you know crowd control. If the game is not measuring cc value or doesn’t measure it as high as healing value for example this could cause a discrepancy. Which like I said is particularly the reason that I don’t like the system. Because this would force me to play specifically for PBSR not for value I always play in a style which I feel contributes the most value. And what does this say about the game really does that mean that we should specifically be trying to farm stats in order to rank up?
See but you were talking about facing teams that were lower MMR ratios not my PBSR ratio. Of course using the PBSR ratio it makes sense but that’s not what you were talking about.
Sure you’re right the more games you play the less errors there are but that only goes up to the standard by which it can measure value. If I say that I’ll give you my house location accurate up to the mile/kilometer Then sure you could I can guarantee you some pretty good accuracy but the accuracy is irrelevant if the initial system isn’t good enough. But I have experience in video game programming aswell To where I kind of have an idea possible methods they can measure value and no method is perfect because no AI is able to look at a game the same way that a person looks at a game and measures its value. It is hard to describe/understand a situation using only numbers and variables You can get the basic most obvious points He’s done easily enough but not the details more abstract versions of value.
Well I’ll tell you one thing not the same rank that I’ve been in for the last seven seasons because that pretty much just says that I have not improved one iota since I began playing competitive and that is not true because I know at the very least I know know more about ults and how players uss abilities and have gotten better at many things.
As to what I deserve, I think at least gold. Realistically when my other friend used to play online who was a plat / diamond I could pick you back onto his games and we would win most of them on average up until mid-plat where It started getting difficult to get past. Ironically probably as about as difficult as my silver games. People in plat surely are better their aim is better their strategy is better everything is better, technically this should mean harder and it is but Silver is more stressful which makes it seem harder because the amount of carry that you have to do to win a game is nothing compared to the amount of carry you have to do to win a plat game having reliable teammates does wonders even if at the cost of your opponents also being more put together.
So I’ll say yeah definitely not 1700 I think at least gold, but realistically I’ve seen myself play in the lower plat levels and succeed at a positive win ratio.
Whether my replay is reflective of that I don’t know, It’s not a plat game for me to be playing like Plat. Initially when I did do those plat games with my friends I had to learn a few things about plat play, One of the more surprising ones were how great people are at timing how fast your brigs shield goes up and down to where they could snipe you in between something that doesn’t happen at silver but small things we’ll make the gameplay inherently different.