Proof why roles are never the issue

skill is beyond the scope of this post

Iā€™m not saying they the will, Iā€™m saying they need to have that option in their back pocket

6 pharahs would have countered GOATs

my profile is public, Iā€™ve been playing since season 7

rock/tank, paper/heal, scissors/dps

goats came about because the rock and the paper were better than the scissors, this is not suppose to happen

I donā€™t understand what youā€™re getting at.

youre looking at the game one-dimensionally. there are so many different kinds of dps (hitscans, projectiles, flankers, mobile, etc,) tanks (dive tanks, deathball/brawler, bunker, etc,) and supports (every support has their own kit of skills that mostly differ from one another) that you cant really put all of one role into the same category. certain heroes are better for certain scenarios, maps, and comps.
tl;dr - every hero has their own kit that is useful for different scenarios.


yes, but soldier and McCree should be equally powerful yes? when inserted into every possible combination of 11 hero spots, Soldier and McCree should be able to perform almost identically in terms of impact on the game. Do you agree?

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Not really. A widow can be body shotting 120 dmg shots for a whole 3 minutes and not get a single kill. A Winston can go dive an Ana, zap her with his measly 60 DPS tickle canon + jump+melee and kill her, and win the team fight because of that. In the same vein, a Pharah/Junk can be spamming shields and tanks all day and just be feeding the enemy team ult charge, yet a Widow/Tracer that previously has 0 team damage suddenly carries with a click on the enemy main healā€™s head.

This is an FPS/action game. Numbers donā€™t mean crap, context does.


no i do not. mccree and soldier are completely different heroes, you cant simply say that theyre the same because theyre both hitscans. their weapons on their own are different. if youve actually been playing since season 7, you dont need an explanation on that. soldier has a sprint, healing, and a helix rocket for burst and splash damage. mccree has almost no mobility except his roll, which instantly reloads his gun, has a stun, and his right click is unlike anything soldier has. ults are also entirely different, mccree charges up and deals damage to everyone in an area of mccreeā€™s line of sight, soldier has a weapon that bursts people down one by one in his line of sight.


so then you think some DPS should be stronger than others, weā€™re just in two separate schools of thought then.

so youve completely ignored my replies before it seems? ive literally been saying on repeat that it depends on the scenario.


Some people just want an echo chamber, and if you disagree with them youā€™re obviously trolling.


and I answered that we have to consider all scenarios. would you be willing to discuss this in voice comms? I think it will be far more productive.

if you want to use in-game voice, sure. added.

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So, you believe you solved in three written lines a problem that has plagued a team of video game developers for three years?

Do you really think 30 heroes and thousands of team comp possibilities across 3 game modes on 15 different maps is able to be balanced? Itā€™s not.


How to perfectly balance the game:

take note of which heroes win and loose on each map. only take date from mid-high diamond and up

every time a hero wins a match their total HP pool is reduced by 1
every time a hero loses a match their total HP pool is increased by 1

keep a stock chart/spread sheet published on line with up to date HP pools and win rates

the chart updates every 5 minutes

this would perfectly balance the game

if this causes 6 must picks in OWL, then you could balance them separately

and if it causes 6 must picks in bronze, so be it

Howā€™d it go? Did you come to see reason or are you a troll?

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would you be willing to talk about it in comms?

Yeah, he spams that one pretty often. I keep suggesting he make a game himself and heā€™ll get to balance it however he wants - including balancing it the way the lowest-bracket players on his gameā€™s forums demand, if thatā€™s what he chooses.

He also claims to have made a game as well as a Discord competitor, but he refuses to provide links for either.


This is trueā€¦ even with 2-2-2, there will always be a dominant meta. With no limits, its impossible to have a meta thats strongest against everythingā€¦

And there would be none of the other issues such as barriers being overpowered, as they could easily get melted by a 6 soldier comp or somethingā€¦ now im really starting to wish they never got rid of no limits


you said you wanted a stable meta, I donā€™t think a stable meta is important

Iā€™ll admit that I am speechless. I donā€™t know how and/or why you think this would balance the game.