Some of you might know a player named ‘Kabaji’. He is one of the T500 best tracers in the world. He streams everyday and people enjoy watching him because of how educational his stream is. Until recently he made a smurf account(Rainbow) and played badly till lvl25 and did his placements just to land in a lower rank (2500sr). Now you guys tell me, is that a good thing to do? Do you guys think it’s fair for people in that sr to play against a t500 player on his smurf? Yes he does not play Tracer in all his games, he plays heros like Dva, Roadhog, Widow etc. Altho he might not be the best offtank, he plays really well and has high game sense which is unfair for people in plat. He destroyed those plats to climb upto diamond and he chills at that rank right now. I just saw a game of him playing widow against plat players and he destroyed them. That was so unfair to the other team. I know people don’t care about smurfs cause the devs get money anyways. But they are one of the reasons that this game is just frustrating to play sometimes. There are people who smurf and don’t throw and there are some who one trick torb or sym. there are also people who smurf just to get placed in a low rank and destroy low ranked players. Idk why they do it, maybe it’s just fun for them. Doesn’t matter how many people like me address the smurfing issue on the forums, it will always be ignored. And lower ranks will be toxic for a very long time.
This is the part I have a problem with. If you want to make an alt account to play new heroes or any other reason, that’s fine. But there’s no reason to play poorly on purpose just so you can place lower than you belong.
Well said mate, I feel the same.
It seems Kabaji didn’t want to stay at lower ranks though, he quickly climbed out and is on his way to Master or GM. May be he just wanted to take time and get his basics right before playing with people at his level. From what I’ve heard, things can be VERY TOXIC at GM levels if you do not know what you are doing.
If he proceeds to throw games and gets back in Plat, now that would be pathetic.
Smurfs arnt the worst, boosters and throwers are far worse
Are you sure about that? I went after the VOD, and I don’t see how 4 gold medals with 20K damage is playing poorly, but okay.
If you watched his stream, which I watched all his placement matches and he did not play like crap at all. He had gold everything just about every game and carried a 5v6 and he placed 2594 so he did not throw to place lower that’s where the MMR system placed him.
He has not thrown any games, he flexes every time and refuses to play tracer unless it’s a 5v6 and he is having a hard time climbing in diamond only flexing. He is also getting stream sniped by smurfs and throwers.
I see nothing wrong with this. If he was playing tracer and soldier every game then yeah that’s not really cool but he is playing off tanks and zen and Ana. He is also talking in team chat trying to help his team all the time and being educational with the stream and proving what works and what doesn’t.
You do know that you have to play the game upto level 25 to play comp right? So if you play badly during that your mmr is gonna be low. So when you do placements its gonna give you a lower rank.
Oh, so he was wrong for not playing quick play 100% seriously too? Geez
I meant that’s how you get placed in lower ranks. By playing badly and cheating the hidden MMR system.
Watching Kabaji has improved my general OW gameplay. I watched his flex stream. He was helpful, nice, considerate, flexed off of heroes, helped his team win AND explained to the stream WHY you should or shouldn’t do things.
Kabaji isn’t trying to stay in Plat, or DIamond. He is doing a “flex to GM” challenge.
He said himself on stream, he could swap to his mains and easily climb to whatever GM/top500 SR level, but this flex stream has him expanding the hero pool and it’s been super helpful.
well smurfs are in every online games
there is no way you can stop them fast enough
i just received letters from blizzard which is thanking me for reporting lol (i received 3!!!)
they all banned from game sabtage->smurfing
so well, have faith, plz report them
You gotta be joking right now!? He played the game it is supposed to be played, he played it the way our papa jeff always tell people to do, hes doing what “stylosa” always say in his videos on how to rank up. Hes doing the thing everyone should be doing. FLEX!
He flexed and did his best on everything he played, he did super good, 3-4 gold almost all his games where he played mostly tank and healer! Its blizzards fault for their poorly made system, tank/healers get punished hard in mmr system when doing placement. I watched all his 10 games, and belive me, one who whas stuck in plat for 5 season in a row, he did not play like a plat, he did not perform like plat, the game should placed him in high diamond.
The lies ur telling about him trying to play bad? so you report everyone on your team for flexing and picking a hero your team need instead to go dps when he is a dps main?
And gong tank/healer most his games and he talks a loot in chat calling out stuff that plat normally ignores, like someone flanking, someone low, or someone out of positions, TEAMWORK is the KEY, hes not even winning all his games, he loses a loot of them. Becouse hes flexing and trying to make the team work togheter and win or lose whit fair play. He could go tracer and win all his gamed stright to GM but he dosent, he deside to stick to FLEX and do his best as he also try to make team play as a tram, witch is very rare in plat.
If youre angry hes in plat, then cry to BLIZZARD about their horrible MMR system for tank/healers.
he wasn’t playing poorly. reason he got placed at 2500 is because of the fact the account is completely new and that its quickplay MMR was bad. your first rank on a new account is mainly based off your quickplay MMR.
That’s what he means, he played badly in qp to cheta the MMR so he would get placed lower
If that was his intention, then please explain why he was calling out that he would be high diamond after his placements, and was a bit miffed by the fact he landed in plat.
i don’t know, I dotn watch him im just the messenger lol, explaining waht the otehr was trying to say
It’s all good.
Just for the record, about 30 seconds before he finds out where he placed, he can be heard saying, “High diamond - I call it now. I don’t care.” Then, when seeing where he placed, you hear him drop something on his desk (likely a hand) in disbelief and saying, " [bleep]ing Plat, dude." (I’d link it, but I’m assuming the language would be frowned upon.)
He might’ve fooled around for the early levels of his account in quick play, but I don’t see anything that indicates he intended to start low in comp to make his climb more dramatic.
“T500 Tracer obliterates Plat/Diamond plebs”
I can see the YouTube video now,
Get that content!
Nothing wrong here really, unless he intentionally stayed in lower ranks to destroy people.
Idk what to say … dont you have other problems? Lol
I know right! I logged in to play comp and got rolled over by boosters!!.There’s so many of em nowadays.