Projectile Question

I know how to make basic projectiles, and I’m ready to try something a little more advanced. I want to give D.VA in particular a new primary fire, similar to what she has (in that it comes out of both guns at once) but it’s burst fire instead. So, essentially, I want to fire a small sphere on either side of her eye position at the same time.

What’s got me puzzled is how to combine the eye position and an X-coordinant vector BOTH into the starting position. Like, have the Y always be the eye position and have the X’s for both projectiles be roughly where her guns are.

I apologize in advance if the answer is SUPER OBVIOUS. I’ve got my clown nose ready, just in case.

I’m sorry that this is not quite the answer you’re looking for but you should probably try to ask this in a Workshop-orientated Discord (Elo Hell Workshop Discord is my recommendation).
You will probably get quicker and better answers there.
Hope that helps a little.

I had not enough time to adjust orbs but…

		Ongoing - Each Player;

		Is Button Held(Event Player, Primary Fire) == True;

		Set Player Variable(Event Player, A, Add(Add(Add(Add(Eye Position(Event Player), Multiply(Facing Direction Of(Event Player), 1)),
			Multiply(Left, -2.000)), Multiply(Up, 0.200)), Multiply(Forward, 0.100)));
		Set Player Variable(Event Player, B, Add(Add(Add(Add(Eye Position(Event Player), Multiply(Facing Direction Of(Event Player), 1)),
			Multiply(Left, 2)), Multiply(Up, 0.200)), Multiply(Forward, 0.100)));
		Create Effect(All Players(All Teams), Sphere, White, Player Variable(Event Player, A), 0.100, Visible To Position and Radius);
		Create Effect(All Players(All Teams), Sphere, White, Player Variable(Event Player, B), 0.100, Visible To Position and Radius);
		Chase Player Variable Over Time(Event Player, A, World Vector Of(Vector(-1.000, 1.500, 10), Event Player,
			Rotation And Translation), 0.250, None);
		Chase Player Variable Over Time(Event Player, B, World Vector Of(Vector(1, 1.500, 10), Event Player, Rotation And Translation),
			0.250, None);
		Wait(0.250, Ignore Condition);
		Loop If Condition Is True;

Just as an example, those orbs are not hiding after shooting and ignore ground hit.

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Everything that the player fires come from the eye position, even the micro missiles and primary fire, the visual effect is the only thing the comes out of the cannons. I say that because it would feel horrible to shoot trought them, it wouldn’t go straight and if someone is to close it would just miss them

For the actual problem, I have been asking myself the same question, but for the beam effect to come out of the weapons I think using a rotation from a local vector transformed into a world one could work.