Progress, non-existent

So… anyone want to explain to me how having a 50% winrate in bronze is supposed to work in my favor? I have encountered endless smurfs who have the most miraculous gameplay and never take any damage even when point-blanked with a Helix Rocket. This is beginning to be too much, even after taking 2 days to VOD review, self-evaluate, watching pro tips, etc. Yes, winrate being 50% & having to play this way is being detrimental to the whole process of improvement. Blizzard has everyone’s info and should know if someone has more than 1 GM account. Why is this allowed, and when did Blizzard want only certain people to play their game? I’m fairly serious about improvement, but only find it hindering in the whole bronze movement. I can’t improve if I get placed into hopeless matches that hold no value to what I want to accomplish! I am not blaming anyone but myself that I got into this game so late, but it feels like wasted money @ this point. How is this supposed to work? How do I climb when I can’t do anything against GM level players flaunting around in Bronze? I’m running out of ideas & resources fast


Those GM players are more-than-likely just Gold rank, but I do feel your pain. Working your way out of bronze is a process. I was able to get out with luck and improving my aim and situational awareness (shooting turrets, not being in LOS, ect.).

All you really need is 3 good games and you’ll boost yourself up a bracket.


If you have a 50% wr in bronze. You’re a bronze skilled player.

If you want to improve that, focus on improving your positioning and mechanics and you’ll quickly notice you win more fights, matches and SR.

Highly doubt you’ll have played against a GM, or even enough to hamper any climb.


having a 50% wr in bronze means thats prob where u should be. typically if your mmr is normal you need a positive (50%+ winrate) to climb. Having 50% winrate indicates you’re winning just as much as losing and therefore you deserve to be at the rank you’re at. 56% winrate+ is a climbing winrate.

I’d be happy to say what it does for you.

In fact I’ve already done so several times for others.

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How i wish to have 50% winrate… i play this game for about 4 years and i can’t progress anymore… even more - i constantly drop in ranks. Currently i am abput 500SR lower than i used to be and i can’t do anything to go up… Seems i forgot how to play this game right?

If you have a 50% win rate in Bronze then, per definition, it’s where you belong.


Did you just say that cuz you are a GM? I asked for advice. I blatantly stated that I am not blaming others for this and also think that I am just too late to do anything about improving with the amount of players having alt accounts, playing lower rank on purpose. I did not ask if that’s where I should be. Next!..

No, my rank is irrelevant

You said the matchmaker creating 50/50 matches hinders you from improving which is literally the opposite of what’s happening. If anything, a 50/50 game is your best bet of improving. Also note, the matchmaker creating 50/50 matches is not the same as having a 50% wr.

Keep playing and keep doing what you do. Trust the process. Having started playing the game so late has set you behind. It’s not too late tho. Consider this a preparation for Ow2. With Ow2, lots of new players will start playing and your game quality should also improve.

There are almost no GM players in Bronze. Don’t worry about that.


Thank you. I have been trying to work on all that you have been saying… accuracy, positioning, team synergies, etc… problem I’ve been having, while trying to work on these problems in general, is that on solo queue nobody communicates or tries having combo potential. Just yesterday, I had a smurf Junk completely decimate the team I was on like he was playing 1v4 by himself. Tell me that people in my skill range, when i havent even come close to silver since I had started, have to be stuck just dealing with the fact that other people are going to do that to me the entire time I’m wanting to improve. Kinda defeats the purpose, doesn’t it? I never said anything about matchmaking, other than being put in teams opposite to people playing like a GM in bronze rank. I’m starting to doubt that everyone in bronze is an actual bronze, like me… if that were the case, the person playing like a GM, wouldn’t have even been matched against me at all! They would be out of bronze, continuing to climb, right?

Playerbase evolves, tricks and knowledge from high rankers after time reaches lower brackets

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There not many GM players to begin with, and even fewer play in bronze. You should listen to guys above, climbing ranks takes effort

Welp no idea, sorry, wrong quote lol

Again, are we saying this from experience, or saying it cuz you are that high in ranking? I know what I’m seeing and have watched the replays on these unkillable people galavanting on the lower ranks… if bronze was in fact their true skill rank, then i shouldn’t have problems like these if I’m continuing to improve… right?

Not sure why you keep bringing up my rank. I am not denying that there are smurfs but they won’t prevent you from climbing and almost none of them are GM.

No offense, you most obviously aren’t.

That’s right.

If your skill rises, bronze will be no trouble for you, meaning reaching silver.

Having troubles in bronze (50/50 winrate) means your rank after all is bronze.

Both. My rank was somewhat high, and it didn’t come as a gift from devs. It takes effort to play there. Playing in lower ranks takes no effort at all.

Ok… rank aside… where is your proof? Like I’m saying, I’ve been watching my replays and seeing how much difference there is against said people I’m mentioning and about how untouchable they really are even with a reticle trained on them playing on a level much higher than bronze… even watching youtubers, I have heard them mention that certain people they review using alt accounts on more than 1 vid they have posted(flats, emongg, etc…) so, my new question is “why try to refute my personal evidence?” You obviously don’t have this problem in the least!

You are making the claim you are playing against GMs smurfs in Bronze. The burden of proof is on you, so where is yours?

I’ll humor you with mine anyway, which is based on logic. First of all, the number of potential GM smurfs is really low. There are currently around 2000-2500 GMs in EU of which not all smurf. Secondly, these guys can literally smurf in every rank. Why invest so much time and effort into deranking to Bronze when you could save A LOT of time smurfing in Gold and have the same experience? A GM wont notice much gameplay difference between a Bronze and Gold anyway. The smurfs in Bronze are usually Gold players.

Humor is not fact… the game will not let me smurf a gold account if I never make it to gold in the 1st place. Trying to climb out of bronze is increasingly difficult if the learning curve is being hindered. If there was an actual poll on how many people have smurf accounts, I’d be willing to bet that the number you have might not match up to the percentages there actually are of people playing lower than their alt rank, and playing outside of their skill rank… if everyone played like a GM in bronze, there wud be no bronze rank… period! Why are the people wanting to learn to overcome these obstacles having to suffer so badly, when I’ve read countless posts of bad matchmaking, algorithmic mismatching, and higher ranks being bored enuff to run people thru hell? You have probably heard this so much, cuz u aren’t playing @ the level we r, so it’s OK to be ignorant with low rank… I’m not sitting here bashing on GMs, but I wouldn’t expect any understanding from them, cuz like I was saying, they probably don’t even have this problem whatsoever. Logic is not fact either. If you are mentioning the 2000-2500 GMs in the EU alone then it, by itself, would stay that way. But there are multiple countries that you aren’t mentioning, in which there are a vast multitude of other players. So, stating the given number of one country, doesn’t even begin to put a tally on the other countries who would have just as many GMs potentially playing smurf accounts. So, therefore, it would increase the number of potential smurf players you would get matched against. Sorry, but that logic… doesn’t sound right.

Lol. I’ll humor you with my observation which is grounded in math and logic. It’s simply impossible that you are facing GM smurfs in every other of your games.

Besides, are you suggesting that your experience is fact? You know better.

Well, is it easier/ takes less time to make a Gold account or a Bronze account? Smurfing in Bronze as a GM doesn’t make sense on any level. Like I said, usually it’s Gold players smurfing there. Either way, the number of smurfs is negligible and won’t prevent you from climbing.

I am pretty sure that the vast majority of players have smurf accounts, or at least alt accounts. This doesn’t change the fact that their impact is negligible on your climb as a player.

I am glad we agree.

(Almost) everyone wants to climb, and since it’s a competition not everyone can.

Bad matches will always happen. It’s a numbers game. Play consistently well over a large amount of games and you will climb.

I was once Gold and I overcame the struggles you are currently facing. So I can say with certainty that if you aren’t currently climbing than you don’t play well enough to deserve it. Also, there are smurfs in every rank, even GM.

No, but logic is a system that takes facts and sees what conclusions we can make from them. That there are only roughly 2500 active GM players in EU is a fact. That the GM population makes up 1% of the total player base is a fact. That 8% of the total player base is Bronze is a fact. Now, logic dictates that its impossible that there is a GM smurf in every other game of yours.

Lol what? EU is not a country my man. The number of players in GM may differ in other regions but that doesn’t change anything about the logical conclusion we made. GM is always 1% of the population and Bronze is always about 8% of the population.