Progress Bar Health Hud

I’m attempting to use the “Create Progress Bar HUD Text” action to track the health of two players in a 1 v 1 game mode.

But, I’m having issues where the health bar appears twice, and the health doesn’t update when the health of the players change until their health is very low.

This is very strange to me, because listing the health via just HUD text was very simple, and updated instantly. Any tips on how to make this work?

You need to convert the pure Health Value into percentage format by applying a little bit of math, to get the percentage value you divide the Health Value of a Player by its Max Health Value and multiply the ratio as result with 100. The Progress Bar works with fractions of a whole number (percentage; mostly of 1) value range 0-100, means at 100% the Bar is full and filled and at 0 its empty.


Thank you so much for your reply!

I’m pretty new to this, so hopefully you can excuse my noobishness. Would I carry out the initial equation of “health / max health” as a player variable, then within the action “create progress bar…” Just have the multiplication of that variable and 100? Or is there another way to have that result represented somewhere?

You can do the calculation within the creation of Progressbar HUD action at the required Value input slot or grid in the interface, so you don’t need to store it elsewhere.


Alternatively, Normalized Health * 100


Thank you so much, I finally got it to work with your help. You’re awesome

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